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Everything posted by benrms8@gmail.com

  1. I did exactly what you said and it worked beautifully! No wonder the plane wouldn't climb!
  2. I bought the Saab 340A for X-Plane 10 a while back. However, I am having severe difficulties trying to get the aircraft to climb. I followed every procedure in the Auto Start manual, but when I takeoff, the aircraft refuses to climb above 500 feet, even at max power with the flaps partially retracted. If I retract them all the way, the plane loses altitude, then stalls if I try to pull up. Please help!
  3. I apologize if I appear to be slowing down the realse process, but the tusumau crane livery really is the current livery for this plane. See attached photo. https://www.google.com/search?q=JAL+saab+340&safe=active&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=3R49UsCkMqLWyQGb-YGYCA&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAA&biw=320&bih=474&dpr=2
  4. Do you know if it will be released this weekend? Also, any ideas how I could suggest that new JAL livery?
  5. Do you know how much the plane will cost? Also, who is in charge of the liveries? The JAL livery is not current; the new livery is the revised tusumau crane livery.
  6. Okay, cool! Do you know how much the GPS will cost?
  7. Will the Saab 340 be payware or freeware?
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