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Toby Rice

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Toby Rice last won the day on January 6 2014

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About Toby Rice

  • Birthday August 8

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    Dickson, TN near KBNA
  • Interests
    Aviation and being a musician

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  1. File Name: DHC-6-300 Twin Otter "BlueHawk Air Taxi" Livery File Submitter: Toby Rice File Submitted: 13 Nov 2013 File Category: General Aviation X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9 & 10 Livery For: Click Here For Aircraft Repaint for the 3D Version of Pedro's (pedrovl on the .org) DHC-6-300 Twin Otter. This is a repaint for BlueHawk Virtual Airways "Air Taxi" The plane is a FREEWARE Twin Otter with a 3D cockpit and cabin available to the link to the right. (It's at the bottom of that page. The 300 Short version) I made the repaint but other credits for the plane are below. Original 3D model by Syd Adams / 3D object conversion by gplv3 / X-Plane modeling and adjustments by Pedro van Leeuwen (pedrovl) NOTE: To make it easier for you to find the right plane, the direct link to the plane download is here: http://aeropedro.despair.ch/Aeropedro/DHC_files/DHC63_TwinOtter_SN-v970-3D.zip Click here to download this file
  2. My favorite X-Plane manufacturer, X-Hangar, is having a Black Friday sale that lasts all week, and then some! From their site: And we have added a new savings code for everyone to use at our store. Just enter the code holidays (all small letters) in the code box and press the apply changes box button to add the discount. It will give you 25% off all purchases until 12-02-14. This includes items that are already on sale. Enjoy the savings! And thank you for shopping at x-hangar.com where you get 4 years free update service with all purchases! I love all their airplanes that I have. They give great FPS, affordable, and great flight model! Yeah, so they aren't as good looking as Carenado or Alabeo. They still are great for being so easy on frames. And they look better than a lot of freeware too........ I have the C208, GA8, PA18 and M7. Love every one. Their planes look funny on the site, so I bought one. After the first flight, I was forever hooked. Period. I love my C208 from them better than Carenado!
  3. You all have seen me advertise in the past, my VA. Well now, get a load of this! It's all new... I am pleased to re-introduce: We were founded on May 9th, 2013 and have been serving the virtual skies since. We recently re-organized and re-built the entire airline. It is much better than before, with many new repaints, schedules, and a large fleet. We have new, user friendly and professional website. Visit our website: www.bluehawkvirtual.net We operate out of 7 major hubs which are spread across the world: KBNA - Nashville KMIA - Miami KEWR - Newark KSEA - Seattle TNCM - Princess Julianna EGLL - Heathrow OMDB - Dubai Our fleet is large and versatile, containing aircraft like the Cessna 208 Caravan and Boeing 777 Worldliner. We use the flight simulators FS9, FSX, P3D and X-Plane, allowing us to open doors to more pilots. Our flight logging software (ACARS*) is compatible with XACARS, FSPax, FSFK and your favorite ACARS program. See the ACARS we are getting here. We are in progress of starting a Pilot Training program as well! We have a TeamSpeak 3 server for our pilots to chat on. Join our airline today at http://www.bluehawkvirtual.net/ We are accepting new pilot applications, so come fly with us! BlueHawk Virtual Airways - Your Skyhome http://bluehawkvirtual.net/index.php/ *We are open to users of any OS, though please note that smartCARS is only compatible with Windows. Mac and Linux users must use XACARS to log flights. At the moment, only XACARS is used in the VA. Our new ACARS is due to arrive before 2015 (we hope).
  4. Music City VFR Come and fly into KBNA and enjoy some good 'ole VFR flying on November 14th @ 2200z to 0200z UTC. The hospitable vMemphis ARTCC has graciously accepted our inquiry of staffing more class Delta airports in the airspace. Including KMQY, KMKL and more! We hope to have the following airports (other than BNA) staffed: KMQY KMKL KNQA KTUP KHSV KOLV KHOP KGLH KGOW KPAH and maybe even KMEM. We're expecting a lot of VFR traffic, as well as a mix of IFR. It's going to be a fun evening. Don't fly VFR often? Come in IFR, or in a heavy! If you are using FSEconomy, we will be giving away prizes to those who attend this event on VATSIM and FSE!!! Details Here Come online and have some fun! Our controllers love their job, and will do their best to let you have a good time. Come on down to Music City and have a good time! We're looking to have some serious fun You can get a few more details here: http://vzmeartcc.org/events.php This event will be flown on VATSIM (www.vatsim.net). My TeamSpeak Server will be open for pilots to have some "hangar chatting" during flights. IP: bhv.ddns.net No password If you have any questions, PM me. This event is to celebrate the new ownership of KBNA, Carolina Air Ventures, LLC in FSEconomy.
  5. Beechcraft A36 Bonanza. RealLifeX for the enviorment.
  6. Aerobirdge Studios = Awesome I'm expecting 1k likes
  7. Nowadays, 8MB is about the size of a super HD picture! I used to think FS2000 was old...... Nice Memories though! Probably before my days.
  8. Selfie Alert! Flew from 0M4 to M02. Did stalls, steep turns, a bunch of other stuff as well as 5-6 touch and goes. I love my expensive (very much worth it) awesome hobby.
  9. Default XP9 777 KSEA-YSSY Enroute Airline: www.bluehawkvirtual.net X-Hangar's C208 at 0M4 Airport (on the .Org.) I HIGHLY recommend this aircraft! Great FPS.
  10. Here is that scenery I was talking about: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=24068
  11. Airport is 0M4 - Benton County. In Tennessee. Scenery will be uploaded for you all shortly. Available in v9.70+
  12. Hey Guys, My Virtual Airline's Alliance is hosting a VATSIM event going to KMEM this Saturday. We plan to fly from KORD to KMEM. Probably about 1.25 hour flight if we fly 737s, A320s, etc. Details Below: Memphis Fly-In Date: Saturday, August 23. Time: 3:30 PM EST (2030z) Airports: KORD to KMEM Distance: 428 NM Route: ORD6 BACEN BLOKR BEKKI FAM ARG BEERT4 -or- KORD DCT JOT J101 PNT J35 SPI J137 FAM KMEM You can use another Flight plan. This is only recommended. The 1st one has RNAV, and the 2nd does not. Plan: Depart KORD at 3:45 EST on VATSIM, fly to KMEM via the route filed, then land at KMEM at around 5:00 EST. Recommended aircraft: Boeing 737, Airbus A320 (Family: A318 through A321), or anything with an average cruise speed of 400 kt or more (Ground Speed). Exception: You may fly any aircraft you want, but most will fly the recommended Aircraft. Notes: ATC will be contacted in order to have at least Center online at both airports. KMEM Ground will be controlled by me Preflight and briefing at 3:35 PM EST (2035z), departure (When you call ATC for clearance) will be at 3:45 EST (2045z). Event hosted by Soar Airlines, through AeroFlight Alliance. All airlines of AeroFlight are welcome to join! Schedules will be made for the airlines to fly. BlueHawk Virtual Airways will also be attending this event and will have Schedules made for pilots to fly Join Us on VATSIM and AeroFlight's TeamSpeak Server! TS IP: bhv.ddns.net On TS, just say you're from X-Pilot, and you will be given permissions and join the fun. Come and have some fun with us If you can come, reply and let me know if you can. If not, no biggie
  13. FINALLY! I have an XP screenshot that is not dark. Took it with snipping tool (Set to Snip window).
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