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Everything posted by raven1982

  1. I am so happy to see the dust being kicked off the tires of this add-on. The original was one of my first purchases years ago for X-Plane. A lot has changed since then, I'm a captain at a regional and interviewing to go a mainline carrier, and what do I see come back from my early times of training but this great add-on making a comeback! It looks great and I can't wait to add this one back to my library of aircraft to have fun flying in the sim!
  2. @caribbeanlegend - I am guessing you are using a moderately powered pc? I had a similar issue a while back and it was related to my laptop. The aircraft was the Carenado PC-12. Whenever I would reach cruise altitude it would begin to violently shake and eventually exceed limits. Go to "Operations and Warnings" and change "Flight Model" to two or more. Solved my issue with the PC-12. Turbulence has been an issue too though. Hope that helps.
  3. @temkhabana - did you ever resolve your issue? If not are you using -Windows 10 or older? -Powered external USB hub, yoke hub, or usb port on computer? -Are you using Saitek.com drivers or the "sparker" plugin? If using both problems will occur.
  4. Thank you, looking forward to flying it soon!
  5. did you find a solution? In the past I had issues with anti virus software stopping installs.
  6. @WattyA - I've had the same issue. The single core usage is the limiting factor here. I'm running i7-8500 with a Nvidia GTX 1080 and still see drops in performance with the Carenado aircraft. Check out this link, it helped me in changing a few settings around. http://developer.x-plane.com/2011/12/tips-for-better-frame-rates-pt-1/ It is a shame that some of the Carenado aircraft cause such a large fps drop. If you don't mind me asking what are you averaging for the IXEG? That is my next purchase.
  7. Thank you Cameron!
  8. I am having to re-install software after a HDD format and received this message, WS.Reputation.1 threat and Norton decided to remove the file. It believes the setup-windows.exe is a threat due to lack of community use. Wanted to make sure there were no other issues with the installer or other installers. Some of the other aviation sites that I use have had issues with hacking in the last year and wanted to verify with you all first that everything is as it should be. There looks to be a link for a process to have the file approved. Not sure how much time that takes or costs.
  9. Just to make sure but are you sure it is not P-Factor you are experiencing? I know in MSFS X you can turn P-Factor off. If it is not P-Factor check the yoke calibration settings in windows to make sure it is centering correctly. If not you might have a bad yoke. All Saitek products come with a 2 year warranty.
  10. You might want to check this post out over at the .org. The last post on the page is the one you might find most interesting. http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=82913&page=4
  11. Some were but were not planned for consumer release. At this time it seems that CJS is on a bit of a break. The CF-104 is still awaiting update due to flight dynamics in X-Plane and supersonic cruise modeling. It takes a lot of time and money for that combat plugin to come together properly. I would expect CJS to release it out of the blue vs talking about it much if they do. Note: I am in now way affiliated with CJS so all of this is my opinion from watching CJS over the past near decade.
  12. "Fix," is just meant as a solution to the issue you were describing. My plan was to dissect the Switch Panel plug in for X-Plane and try to implement something from that. I however have not had the time to try that hypothesis. I think you are on the correct path though.
  13. Anything new I can talk about while I am working Oshkosh? Always looking for great new products to pull folks over to the X-Plane side.
  14. If I understand the product correctly they only work as an off/on switch. At least that is how Windows recognizes them. I will check them this week. I demo those products for Saitek at Sun N Fun and Oshkosh and if I come across a fix I will let you know.
  15. Cameron, Not an issue of frustration, just wanted to make sure I was paying attention in the correct area. Looking forward to the release whenever it happens. Be careful not to hype it too much. You don't want a Disney "John Carter" on your hands!
  16. Cameron, Is this still a good place to see the progress of this upcoming product? If not where else should I be looking?
  17. I am unsure. Classic Jet Simulations is waiting on their update of the CF-104 for that reason. Supposedly it looks as though we are waiting for a fix in maybe 10.30.
  18. I have an old Alienware M17x laptop and have been really happy with it. However, the cost breakdown over the past few years makes me second guess another laptop purchase like the one I made. I've been looking into smaller boutique pc companies like cyberpower for a micro atx build. Either that or I will build my own. If you don't mind spending the cash Alienware is a great choice. A few other good smaller companies are Digital Storm, Falcon Northwest, and Maingear.
  19. I hate to be the one that does it but....... how are things coming?
  20. Using the switch panel for large aircraft is not that great. Like others have said it is good for a GA aircraft but once you get into actual systems you will find it lacking. IF you want to spend more time getting it to work I would suggest that you open the included files for using the switch panel with other large aircraft and attempt to modify it for the Saab. I recommend that you do this on a separate install of X-Plane for safeties sake. Good luck, I would help but I stopped working with code back in the 90's and really don't want to touch it now.
  21. I'm running into an issue where X-Plane will freeze and sometimes CTD. It occurs towards the end of a long flight (anything longer than 1 hour), after loading a new aircraft, setting the weather myself vs X-Plane, and occasionally after take off. If I disable Gizmo and Silverlining the freeze does not occur. Not sure If I am running out of memory or not. PC, Win 7 64 Ultimate, Intell Quad core 9300 @3.1 GHz, 8 GB RAM, 256 SSD, Nvidia 280M GTX Sli. GizmoLog.txt Log.txt
  22. I asked him several years back about the F-18 and his comment at the time was on the lines of, "not for consumer use." CJS has been focused on World Traffic but is working on an F-104 update. He had some news on that recently over on the .org. It seems that the F-16 is on a hold for now.
  23. Take your time. I purchased the other Panthera. It is nice but there are some flight dynamics that seem a little off compared to what I was told from a few gentlemen at Oshkosh this year. Overall it is a fun acf to fly around and test out. Like I did with the PC-12, when the time comes I will have both Pantheras in my stable and then decide which will stay.
  24. I would purchase the acf with the standard fms from x-plane. I know I don't speak for everyone but that would still work for me. After watching a few of the fms videos from Cessna, it would be difficult to duplicate it exactly and costly. If you guys did make a custom fms that worked like the one in the actual aircraft I would consider that an addon and additional payware for the acf already produced. Just my thoughts.
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