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Everything posted by thePuffyPuff

  1. I really enjoyed flying with SMP V3 this weekend. The new overcast options are really great for IFR. With 3 monitors (5760 x 1080) I was concerned about performance, but SMP with Titan GPU produced 40-55 FPS with the new solid overcast features, and 18-20 worst case in puffy clouds. Overall very flyable and enjoyable. Many thanks for this update. Rich
  2. I realize a weather engine is major endeavor. But are there any thoughts about flipping the model so SMP generates the weather and injects current conditions into X-plane? Historically, it seems like most real weather add-ons (FSX and XP) do a poor job at interpolating between METAR, causing abrupt cloud and wind transitions. Above all, we want the weather depiction to be accurate at the departure and destination airports, with no abrupt changes there. Seems like SMP controlling its own destiny would ultimately provide the best result. Regards Rich
  3. Just finished a few approaches with visibility 1 and stratus to ground. This is a HUGE improvement for simulating low IFR conditions. Many thanks!!!
  4. It would be nice if the features of the overcast settings could be combined so that you did not have to choose between quality and draw distance. That is, draw a simple solid overcast layer (i.e. the low setting) to provide a blanket into the distance, but render cloud puffs (i.e. the med or high) within the object draw distance. This would provide a nice combination for those who want to practice IFR without getting a peek at the ground. The low setting overcast works OK for this, but the transition from clouds to clear is abrupt. Many Thanks! Rich
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