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Everything posted by vctpil

  1. Hi, UWXP was the problem, thanks for the info. My version is outdated, I will try the last version. Thanks.
  2. I am flying the both aircraft, the Zibo is working, not the IXEG 737. Here's the file with the IXEG selected. Thanks. Log.txt
  3. Hi; Here's the log. Thanks. Log.txt
  4. Hi, I have just installed the v1.32 after a long period not flying with this aircraft. Switch on the overhead panel and even the engine start lever are not moving. The mouse cursor become a hand, but unable to mode the lever or switch. Any idea how to solve the problem? Thanks.
  5. Hi, I have the same problem but I don't have two routers. Can you help me to solve the problem ? Thanks, Vincent
  6. Hi Jan, First of all, don't worry, I am flying for ASLB, a cargo company. I don't have any problem flying a holding with hdg sel, we use to train raw data or FMC or IRS failure during sim sessions (funnyby the way). But I said and some other people said, flying alone with this 737 can be painfull without the possibility of flying a holding, mainly if we simulate a failure. As far as I know, xieg 737 is the only product of this type that does not include holding. Vincent
  7. Hi, I am agree about the speed/altitude intervention. That's an option not present on all aircrafts. I am flying the real CL and NG, and all CL's are differents. But all have the possibility to fly a hodling. This is not an option. Don't forget that on a real aircraft, we are both (One flying and one dealing with systems and checklists), and in front of our computer, we are alone. A simmer need automation, and in my opinion, this is not acceptable not to have the possibility to fly a holding with the A/P (At least, on this kind of aircraft). More, not all failures are realistics with the IXEG. Some indications lights are missing with some failures. After my NG rating, I have try the Zibo 737, and I was really impressed by the level of realism, even with failures. Sure, that's not perfect, and it will never be, but we definitely don't have the basics with IXEG. Vincent
  8. Hi, I decide to re-install the aircraft with only the latest update, and it works. I'll keep informed you in case on some problem related to this post. Thank anyway for your help. Vincent
  9. Hi, The route was activated. I am e real pilot, but I can forget also, thanks for the tip. By the way, saving the route does not work also. In attached file, 3 overview of the EFIS mode selector and EHSI displays. Vincent
  10. Hi, I have just start to use the 733 as I will probably fly this aircraft early next year. I have entered a flp EBLG-LOWW. It appears on PLAN mode mode but not in MAP mode ! I view several tutorial videos and the flp was appearing on MAP mode as well. Any idea about this problem ? For info : X-Plane 10.51r2 64bits IXEG 1.07 Thanks for the help, Vincent Some tests later : If the CPT HSI mode selector is in MAP mode, the F/O HSI may display the flight plan. This opposite is not true. CPT and F/O PLN mode display the flight plan on both side. If the CPT HSI mode selector other than PLAN mode, the F/O EHSI does not display the flight plan. This is a very strange bug. Anyone has the same pronlem ? Thanks, Vincent
  11. I was asking the question because the plastic speed-bugs was so difficult to set on FSX. On the IXEG video, that sound very easy. Thanks, Vincent
  12. Just found it. Sound very easy to set, not like the old wilco 737 or the BAe-146 for FSX. This 737 sound to be a must have. Thanks.
  13. Hi, Just a quick question : Is the speed bug automatically set according to the FMS speed entry ? Or the bugs must be set manually ? I can't wait for your 737! Very good job so far. Thank, Vincent
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