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Everything posted by meshboy

  1. How about a new night screenshot of the fabulous cockpit? Preeettty please with sugar ontop...
  2. I don´t belive you Morten! I Think i need some kind of proof! For example a tasty video demonstrating the EHSI!? =) =) =)
  3. Are you still planning to release a new video with EHSI features? Would really be great (no preassure though)
  4. Do you think you will be able to buy the beta/alpha version of this aircraft at full-price earlier and help with input of testing? I would love to pay full-price now and help with testing!
  5. Great pictures! Finnally a hardcore FMS in X-Plane! If you have the time it is nice if these images goes to ixeg.net to have all the images in one place (i go there almost 1time/day to get my saliva production up to maximum!) This plane will take X-Plane into a new kind of system-depth-simulation! EXcellent work!
  6. Wow! A real fms in x-plane! Looks better and better. Cant wait to take this 737 out at night with heavy fog for an all instrument flight! Great work!
  7. So i guess it will be some app that can display PFD and EHSI on the iPad or Andraoid Tab maybe?
  8. Thanks for your answer. looking forward to the video Jan! I think it is a great topic for a new video. I am so impressed with your project that you start with systems instead of graphics, think this is really smart and makes sucessrate much higher in a project like this. Happy coding!
  9. Aaaaaaagggghhhh!!!!! This is to much to take!!!!! A high system-simulated 737 classic in x-plane!!!! Im going nuts! Incredible work! Question about the glass of ehsi and other glass gauges: It has an effect in this image that makes it really realistic with the shining of the glass, (kind of purple color). Is this made in studio render or is it inside sim? The reflections look great!!! The navigation looks so good, really top class!!! Excellent work!
  10. Maybe some new images? How is process with Navigation. By video it looks like this is almost the only area left?
  11. i know both but .NET has been my main platform the last 5-6 years.mMy Php is rusty today.
  12. how much of a procedural sim will this be? looking really really good!
  13. My PassengerX module is almost finished on the client side. But i need to start developing a website that can present all the data and user info. Is there anyone that has a webserver up and running that can help with hosting? (ASP.NET MCV solution, works best with IIS7) I dont have time for this right now, would be great to have a finish setup and connect remote for deploy.
  14. Thanks! I realy messed it up, i was locked on the values i got in XP instead of the manual. This works perfectly now, setting 8000meters gives me = 5.0sn
  15. Hi! I can set all my datarefs but not this one. This is the one controlling the visibility in X-Plane. i am using the method: XPLMSetDataf this method sets a float and reading from the manual you set this in meters. (still a float value). this is how my line of code is but it always sets the visibility to 0.1, the lowest value there is. XPLMSetDataf(XPLMFindDataRef("sim/weather/visibility_reported_m"),11.5); Any suggestions? This is the last dataref for weather i need but this one i really need.
  16. SOLVED IT! Of course it wont work, XPLMSetDatai (setting integers only) have to use: XPLMSetDataf (setting float) Different method and it is working!
  17. Hi, you are right, it is a float, but it wont work even if i set a float value. I set three cloud values first. is that why no turbulence is showing? I guess if the turbulence is set i will see the values in the weather window as i do when i set my cloud? This is what i have, cloud works but nothing else. //Set weather XPLMSetDatai(XPLMFindDataRef("sim/weather/cloud_type[0]"),cloud0); XPLMSetDatai(XPLMFindDataRef("sim/weather/cloud_type[1]"),cloud1); XPLMSetDatai(XPLMFindDataRef("sim/weather/cloud_type[2]"),cloud2); //0-1 XPLMSetDatai(XPLMFindDataRef("sim/weather/thunderstorm_percent"),0.7); XPLMSetDatai(XPLMFindDataRef("sim/weather/wind_turbulence_percent"),0.8); XPLMSetDatai(XPLMFindDataRef("sim/weather/rain_percent"),0.6); XPLMSetDatai(XPLMFindDataRef("sim/weather/wind_speed_kt[0]"),0.5); //int kts XPLMSetDatai(XPLMFindDataRef("sim/weather/wind_speed_kt[1]"),0.5); //int kts XPLMSetDatai(XPLMFindDataRef("sim/weather/wind_speed_kt[2]"),0.5); //int kts XPLMSetDatai(XPLMFindDataRef("sim/weather/turbulence[0]"),5.0); //int kts XPLMSetDatai(XPLMFindDataRef("sim/weather/turbulence[1]"),5.0); //int kts XPLMSetDatai(XPLMFindDataRef("sim/weather/turbulence[2]"),5.0); //int kts XPLMSetDatai(XPLMFindDataRef("sim/weather/rate_change_percent"),1.0);
  18. XPLMSetDatai(XPLMFindDataRef("sim/weather/turbulence[0]"),5); //int kts XPLMSetDatai(XPLMFindDataRef("sim/weather/turbulence[1]"),8); //int kts XPLMSetDatai(XPLMFindDataRef("sim/weather/turbulence[2]"),3); //int kts This is how i set some datarefs, works in some but others are not affected. Any suggestions? iam not using gizmo at the moment. These turbulence refs are not affected at all????
  19. I have compiled some code with WinHTTP,but i can´t get it to work. At least localhost. Why would it clash if i also use libCURL? I have got libCurl working sending request to my server...
  20. Ok Version 1 is complete as a plugin, just a box with lots of values and an endpoint to fly to. Logging stuff like G-forces, speed etc. My problem now is to find a good c-library for communicating with a webserver. I want everybodies stats on the internet with a database. I also want to be able to read from website for init-setup a new flight. Anyone know of a good cgi-lib for c let me know right away! =)
  21. Moving forward. Now i have: Reading datarefs Resetting the aircraft on airport Keypress command working Messages recieveing
  22. I am starting to create a simple program like FSPassenger but for X-Plane. Note, this will just be the smallest program ever just to start with and then expand over time. My main goal this week was to: Download SDK Include and setup linkers Compile Get Plugin to work. All of the above = check, complete! My program will be internet based and handle all stats and stuff on the internet and then just load and save data to server. There will maybe be added stuff in my plugin but mainly i want to save and load data when you start a flight. Happy coding!
  23. meshboy


    pitty, but i fully understand. A complex airbus with all its system i should say 3-4 years of development if everything goes smoothly. It is althought among the best renders i have seen. Tonight i am buying the CRJ!!!! I can´t hold it longer, and with the new FMC it is going to rock! Anybody know if the CRJ will have its bigbrother -900 created in the future? Maybe there is a good external model you could use that is 900 (really like the -900).
  24. Oh my god! We really need a complex airliner in XP and fast! Love the Airbus!
  25. You had a vacation that you all deserved very much. My opinion is to release for V9 first and at the same time let version 10 become stable and then we should pay a little % for the upgrade. (maybe includes better lighting due to X-plane 10 engine etc). Right now a complex airliner with 3D cockpit is a winner in both 9 or 10 either way. =) if you need beta-testers i would be first in line. I have basic knowledge of the 737.
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