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Everything posted by Hansie

  1. Hi, I suspect it is something in your installation... I have just looked at the same PDF and have not found any such behaviour. Thus, I can say with certainty that it is not the notation in the manual. In "Document Properties -> Fonts" I see that the document contains a number of fonts called "Buttonfont (Embedded Subset)"; maybe your installation can/does not display those correctly? Do you use an official Adobe Reader program? I am not sure how/if you can change this behaviour, but at least you can be sure it is not the document itself which is at fault... Hope you find a way out of your problem!
  2. Hi, I see a lot of comments on how the plane looks and what they did/did not to make documentation available... But can anyone say anything about system depth? I am not an expert, but to date I have never seen the like of the good old PSS Airbus series. Can this product be compared to that? Also, can you control it from external hardware, e.g. a home-cockpit? Regards, and best wishes for all,
  3. If you need techniques like this, something is seriously wrong IMHO, either in the current add-on, or (shudder) in the X-Plane sim itself... Regards,
  4. Hi, I always use RouteFinder (http://rfinder.asalink.net/free/autoroute_rtx.php). Easy and (as far as I can judge) correct. You can even choose the navdata cycle yourself! Regards,
  5. Peter, I am not, by any standard, an authority in this area. But I suggest you plan your route with one of the free online planners: I personally use Routefinder (http://rfinder.asalink.net/free/autoroute_rtx.php) which has never let me down yet... For your flight, it returns a route "EKAH DCT TUKTU UM852 GIXUN UL997 SORPI STAR ENGM", and both STARS for ENGM have a connection at SORPI, which is about 50 nm from ENGM. That should be close enough. I have not tried to fly this route, but you might look at it and see if it fits your requirements. Have a nice flight! Hans
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