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Everything posted by nenad5

  1. Roger that :-) I agree that it is reduntant, but it will greatly increase realisticity of the plane. Unfortunately, I have not written any complex navigation algorithms for X-Plane, but I assumed (maybe wrongly) that since EHSI in X-Plane can already show VOR position tuned in NAV that it is not that difficult to upgrade code to show GPS nav points. Otherwise, as real life S340 pilot I can only say that you and your team did really great job with 340!
  2. I know that EHSI can show positions of the selected NAV1 an NAV2, but normally in LRN mode EHSI shows 3 closes points from the the FMS(GPS). Do You plan to implement that functionality in the future? It should not be that difficult and that would greatly improve already great product
  3. Great news with the update!!! Just one question, are there any plans to update ehsi (efis) LRN function so that G530 gps nav points are shown as in the picture? Best Regards/Nenad
  4. Thanks Dude! It works like charm ;-) and of course I'll keep my mouth shut ;-)
  5. Hi, I don't know if it is a bug or is it a feature, but when using 2 monitor setup, one for outer world, and another for cockpit, I usually select forwards view with noting (or forwards with HUD) in view options for monitor 1 (outer world) . Unfortunately 3d cockpit is always shown. Does this mean that S340 is meant to be flown only with one monitor. Otherwise, increadibly nice plane, 10+ out of 10 for developers ;-) Regards
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