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Sopwith last won the day on October 15 2016

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About Sopwith

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. 40 years a LAME, Line. Full Mech licence with Avionic approvals (REI) 737-1-200. 737-3-4-500. 737 -8-900. Airbus A320 and not forgetting a million years ago, the F27. All the associated engines and APU,s of course. Annual Company Sim checks for engine runs and failures up to throwing a blade, followed by a few hours flying. Etops/Erops service Eng across the Pacific, hundreds of hours sitting in cockpits asking annoying questions! I mention this not to show off, well maybe a bit, but to say this. The IXEG 737 works just like the real thing and flys beautifully. It is comfortably my favorite airliner in X plane. Because of this when XP12 was released I transferred a copy of it (that was tuned for XP V11) into XP12. That didn't work and I forgot about it. Earlier today I went to XP12/Aircraft/X-Aviation......... and found both versions of the 737. I removed the V11 version and bingo all was OK. What was happening was that XP12 was loading the Classic not the Classic plus. Thanks for your help, and thanks for the great plane.
  2. Well I removed those with no change. I could go over to the Org and ask if there is anyone with my setup who has the 733 working as per.
  3. Thanks and standby.
  4. I just went back to the 733 as I realised I had not got past the start, I found the engine generators will not come on line and moving the flap lever resulted in no flap actuation. All else seemed OK. Uploaded the relevant TXT log. Log.txt
  5. OSX Monterey. X Plane 12. IXEG 737 for 12. Hi there. On engine start - Start switch to Ground - The N1 and N2 accelerates in lockstep from the get go - apply fuel at 25% and the lockstep continues with no start switch cut out. Any ideas thanks. Log.txt
  6. Happy to pay 15 bucks for my favourite aircraft.
  7. I fly a lot in the South pacific Goran, The current temp at bauerfeild (NVVV) is 31C. I probably cooked the engines. I will check it this evening NZ time thanks.
  8. I recently re downloaded the LES DC3. It fails the engines in about a minute. I read the docs but no advice. This was the same when I first bought it some years back. I have never actually had a flight in it! Any advice.
  9. Is a water color/texture tool for XP 11 that joe blow can operate as required.
  10. A brilliant product for all involved in modifying aircraft scenery and plugins. I build airfields and could not calculate the time the "reloaded" plugin has saved me.
  11. GA and this jet are of course very different aircraft when it comes to flaps. When all of the flap is trailing edge the moments will inevitably be to the rear. Jets with leading edge devices produce a more balanced response. I just had a play. Using the auto pilot - weather all parameters to nil - fly 2000feet - set vertical speed to 0 heading to whatever - auto throttle to 210 kts. give it a minute to settle down - then A/p off A/t off - and flaps to 5, results in a slight pitch down (PD) followed by PU. repeat to stabilise everything then flaps 5 to10 results in a slight PU. Repeat at 170kts - zero to 5 resulted in a slight pitch down, 5 to 10 was nil and 10 to 15 a pitch up. a result which demonstrates the extra lift being produced at a fixed speed.And of course in real and simulated flight the speed is altering all of the time. I think it comes back to your comment about a GA aircraft influencing your expectation. I had here a BA F/O who had flown the 300 and I couldn't get him off the sim which he thought was brilliant.
  12. Interesting. But as your flaps go down lift increases which could pitch you up. I will go and load it up and have a play.
  13. I have downloaded V 4.0.1 and installed both it and RWC. Both work fine thanks. You can sit back and enjoy a well deserved holiday. Cheers.
  14. Is Skymaxx able to sort out the problem with Sierra and installation. Having purchased V4 on the assumption that it was now OK I have finished up with two purchases that wont install. I realise this problem was not created by you. Yesterday I tried 3 different zip programs and the result was the same - a msg about corrupted files. Today you released a new version of RWC which did start the install but pointed out that I don't have SMP installed, which was correct. Its quite a circus really.
  15. If you go to the X Plane menu you will see a Log.txt. It normally tells you right at the bottom why X Plane crashed. Check it out and see what is there. Is there is no crash dialog copy the file and paste here.
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