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  1. Hi guys, bugs I noticed: (I have xplane v12.06 no beta, no plugins, only x.aviation plugin) -wipers switch not working, (tried to control via keyboard bid but got Lua script error) -FMC fuel predictions are completely incorrect and destination fuel prediction is missing on PROG page 1 -standby IAS showing 0 all the time. (i double check it in warm weather so no icing issue)
  2. Thank you for answer!
  3. Hi guys. As an owner of 2 products from X-aviation, IXEG 737 and SAAB 340 I am planning to change my PC to a bit better one. Generally for upgraded pefrormance. But there is a question in the air, are these 2 products with their serials codes related to my PC or it will not be a problem? (Activation products in xplane) Many thanks and have a nice day.
  4. Dear Leading Edge, please I bought your product. Please can you check my log file? Many thanks
  5. Hello guys, I am getting same problem issue with airborne version. After loading i am getting message "minor problem with vrconfig.txt file". Plane switches are not responding at all. none of them Other versions are working well. I reinstalled plane and installed all vcredists. pls check my log.txt file Log.txt
  6. Yes I have of course. Automatic switch will activate only one loop of deicing process
  7. Hi guys, I have issue or most probably i do not know correct procedure therefore i need to ask you for help or advice. When i will turn off the engine during the flight, cutting the fuel, then trying to restart, engine will start but i am not able to unfeather the propellers at all. There is no hyd pressure for the propeller.. is there any manual or procedure what to do? many thanks
  8. Regarding the “anti” ice. Saab has good rich system for wing leading edges deicing. Which is operating and succesfully removing ice only after some accumulation of ice, otherwise too soon using it will make edge of the wing much easier to keep ice. But, the problem with Leading Edge Saab is that automatic function of wing deice is not working. You have to use manual click once in a while…
  9. Tom4

    Clocks question

    Hi guys, I am wondering how to control and set up clocks. If I understand correctly, clocks is showing local time regarding the position on the planet. Which is quite strange and not according to real conditions compare to real aviation. (In real aviation is generally used UTC time) I tried to press buttons on the clocks was nothing is happening or changing. Do you have any advise how to change this local time to ZULU/UTC time? Also short question, maybe i am incorrect, but also pointers, specially the small one is showing of time very strange, its holding the position on number and then jumping to another one. Many thanks guys.
  10. Great
  11. Hi guys, please check out a new version I hope, I will bring for you next a few flight hours. http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=25193
  12. Thanks for fast answer. I am going to buy it now
  13. Hi, I do not own SkyMaxx Pro weather system but I am really interesting about it. I just wanna ask if problems like "rain bug - rain drops fall only out of clouds" "visibility - runways are seeing instead of low visibility across clouds" are resolved in this version? Thank you .
  14. I tested it many times but never got any problem report, crash or freezing. Firstly check if you have newest version of x-plane, 10.31, or try to send me a picture of crash report or message that you have got after crash.
  15. I have problem with upload this upgrade here, so you can download it on this link: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=25193 I made some little upgrades, I believe you will fly next more hours with this great turbo-prop.
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