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Everything posted by midi48

  1. Thanks John, will do.
  2. Hi, I have updated x-plane to 10.50 yesterday and find I'm not getting any clouds. When I download weather haze changes but no clouds. What I have to do is disable skymaxx in plugins then re-enable then clouds appear. Any ideas what is causing the problem? This happens when using FSGRW and x-plane default weather.
  3. To you guys at IXEG and X - Aviation and everyone involved in the 737 development and support, and for the fast response and help over these last couple of days. I would like to say THANK YOU ! For a brilliant Aircraft and superb support and help you have given us. Carl
  4. Hi, Im not sure if its the same problem but i dont get any sounds in the DC3 if i have the Jar a330 ground services plug in in the plugins folder. As soon as i take the ground services out of plugins DC3 sound is all ok. I did post a comment about this in the JAR website forum just after the A330 update came out , and was waiting to see if anyone else had same problem. I also have the Saab i will check it out later and get back to you.
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