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Everything posted by Liner45

  1. Does anyone know if Nicholas(admin in "plane.org") wants the saab340 to be in their store?
  2. is the 787-8 going to come out seperately than the -9 or will they both come out at the same time
  3. awesome. very awesome job fsxp
  4. im missing out on so much
  5. very nice job to everyone who is participating.
  6. did you get the fsxversion i believe you needed fs9 NOT SURE You will need to fix it
  7. awesome!!!!!!!! i have my credit card ready
  8. what program is being used to model the aircraft
  9. is the cargo version also free love the saab 340a best aircraft for xp
  10. how much time do you have developing this aircraft
  11. no there is no registration number. MAKE SURE YOU INSERT ALL DVDS OR IT WON´T WORK
  12. i know they both have a lot of orders but i mean delta has decided to order some a321.
  13. those gizmo work for 64 bit if not i will be
  14. looks like people are turning to airbus now for aircraft
  15. Imagine if the president used an a380 doubt it because its european
  16. well if you have a four engine aircraft and one fails you could still have some power to maneuver the aircraft to safety..
  17. i love the textures of the cockpit and everything else
  18. i never noticed the topic title
  19. where can i get a cockpit picture of the saab 340a of yours
  20. can´t wait, hopefully it is released the day i come home from vacation.
  21. creo que sea mejor si tu le envias un mensaje privado (no creo que el se conecta mucho no se) o busca el email de el. el habla español
  22. so once i send a thank you letter to nicholas he never responded Dear Nicolas, I just wanted to thank you all those times you helped me, when I was new to xplane.I wanted to thank you also because you always responded to me very fast. I know that administrators have a ton of other things to do, and personal things to do as well,but you always took the time to rewspond me.Once again thank you. Regards -Daniel i take it all back
  23. yes that was me elace12
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