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About sirlancelot

  • Birthday 03/17/1953

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  1. Estimado Javier; una sóla palabra: EXCELENTE !!! Muy buenos videos. A propósito de la versión 1.1; cuándo piensan tenerla disponible ? Gracias. Thanks a lot !!!
  2. Agree with you in a 100% !!! By the way: entering a forum like this one (quite complete and very well organized, to say the least) keeps you up to date with all latest comments; news; bugs; suggestions; etc. etc. So, my tiny advice: People out there, please read a little more, and complaint a little less ...
  3. Good News !!! When it´s supposed we´ll be seeing this update; please ?
  4. Theo, who is doing the panel regions for the Sundowner, is flat out finishing the panel regions of the saab at the moment. Once the Saab is finished, the Sundowner update will be done in about 2-3 weeks after the Saab. We appreciate the patience. BTW: When you think the SAAB will be ready ?
  5. Actually, I´ve forgotten this article: Self explanatory. Thanks for your help DANIEL S
  6. Well; what I´m saying is that in the Duchess POH I´ve just downloaded (page 5) it appears this option unchecked. DANIEL SALVIA
  7. Hi everybody there: Just a doubt I have: I´ve seen you guys uncheck the "COMPRESS TEXTURES TO SAVE VRAM" in the X-PLANE "EXPERT RENDERING OPTIONS" window. Do you think this will enhance fps and overall performance ? Would appreciate your comments. A nice weekend to you all !!!
  8. When I apply full throttle I have to overcorrect the nose wheel to the left, since the plane has a strong tendency to steer to the right. Can´t figure out why. Any clues ?
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