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Rob B.

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Everything posted by Rob B.

  1. Ok so I was coming here to ask when the release date was gonna be but I realized that all the projects on the docket are completed. Whats next Javier? There are many people dying to ask- "When will this be released?" and we need something to ask about LOLZ! ;D
  2. I for one did, I guess I spoke out of embarrassment for being duped. doo-be doo... anyone wanna play checkers on skype while we wait hahaha. ;D
  3. Normally I can handle your sarcastic attitude because you know what your speaking on, but random lies... thats pushing the limit on my tolerance, sir. I hope you aren't collecting overtime pay for that service to the program hahaha. :-X :-*
  4. going to work for me!! good for my computer bad for my wallet!
  5. hey I'm up for some flight lessons if you got the time! maybe you have a skype account and would like to swap details?
  6. just having a chuckle over the computer discussion a few pages back... like... age has never been a function of a computer's power. If you are committed to haveing x-plane run with its potential, invest! Dollars spent on a hobby you enjoy are dollars well spent IMO. and the technology is not prohibitively expensive these days. a decent computer tower, $500(usd) ~ ish and upgraded gfx card, $250 (+/-) you know you can earn that much at McDonalds in a month if you try. Im not knocking anyone, just saying, If you are really into this product, and x-plane in general, get your plans together to aquire the hardware to enjoy it the way you want too. At the bare minimum refrain from moaning on because the technology has advanced beyond the hardware you happen to have on hand at the present moment. we can rattle on ad-nauseum about low frame rates or we can dig our heels in and make a high power computer box happen! Go Team! ;D
  7. well I dont know but I promise it wont cost this much : http://www.jameslist.com/advert/137130/for-sale-bombardier-crj-200-gls
  8. boy its a good thing they dont make a Hotel simulator... Im not sure i would play a simulation of my day job... erm... night job hahahaha, J/K thats awesome to hear the manuals get the thumbs up though from a type certificated pilot!! I am a noob with 5 hours in my log book and I aim to sink my teeth into this monster!!!
  9. I am absolutely impressed by the sheer volume of data presented and the mind blowing quality of this effort. BRAVO! for the well put together manuals, but also for a simulation that merits it! I am at a loss for words, and my brain is stretched from taking in new data!!!!!
  10. what scenery is in that last screenie? none of my airports have faded lines on dirty concrete
  11. an Easter release would be sort of symbolic if not just a little bit Megalomaniacal :-* :-*
  12. I am having trouble getting it to load fully on 1040 HD. probably cause charter media sucks.
  13. or, how about the old joke: how do you know when there is a pilot at your party? He already told you. ba-dum *ching ???
  14. hehehe. I said rind instead of find. what a melon. Ok! thanks
  15. when it is all ready to go, where will I look to rind this aeroplane on sale?
  16. I am going to buy your plane and take all the seats out and strip it down except the cockpit to make it work fast on my old windows box with so-so graphics card and so-so dual core processor using vista 32bit. hahahaha
  17. GIT ER' DONE! whoo hoo so excited for CRJ flying it is redic'! ;D ;D ;D ;D
  18. Don't worry, I got this.. Srsly.
  19. Oh, thats ok, I am sure what Dhruv meant by horror is simply our humor around this area. that is interesting as a system feature. actually, I feel that the hands-on control of a jet that weighs 53,000 Lbs, ( 24,000 kg) is not fit for desirable. I like the thrust control to make me safely approach the airspace at 180kt or whatever value, not for sake of laziness but for stability in approach. lower pilot workload in the already busy environment of instrument approaches. Anyways I am sure it wont be too difficult to manage speed on approaches. Can't wait for the challenge!
  20. Am I understanding this discussion correctly to have the idea that the CRJ-200 will not have an autopilot setting that controls the airplanes speed? like no dial you can set so the throttle will maintain a given value of IAS? that would seem unlikely to my mind.
  21. i had a similar problem with Northrop Grumman, in good faith i firmly perused support for usage of copyright logo, but it seemed as if nobody wished to help me or give permission. oh well, all you can do is make a good faith effort and if they have a problem later then we may make an apology. Nasa however i found very helpful and polite with permissions. they are much easier to work with than these big corporate firms. anyways,just curious about that. thanks for the reply Javier. Ps- I like the idea of JRJ-200 LOL you deserve the honor for this production IMO. cant wait to play with your new development. perfectly real or not it will be very fun to learn all the same.
  22. was it found to be necessary to get permission during the development this model to sell it using the Canadair and CRJ logos? I mean to ask did you have to get a license or agree to pay royalties of any kind? ???
  23. ahh.. well what the hey. I'll take it anyhow. not to threadjack, but did I hear a rumor a year back about a MD-82 as a new plane in v10 also?
  24. @ Javier, when you say for the 747 do you mean the new 747-800???
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