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M. Horton

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Everything posted by M. Horton

  1. I never said anything that you could take as me saying I'm somebody else then myself, from what I can see you are quite stubborn (which in some cases is good...and in others less).
  2. And why are you saying I can't mod, build planes? Who ever said I lived in the US or that english is my native language?
  3. Well, if me and your Eric dude flies some identical routes its not surprising that we have pictures that look similar.
  4. I never said you (or any other member of this website) was stupid, I have really no ideal why you can't see that I am a new member here (and on X-Plane.org) that just wants to have fun on X-Plane, chat with other X-Plane geeks and post pictures of my flights.
  5. Not sure why you are saying this sir, but if you don't want me to post pictures of the planes I have made (or modefied) for myself (and myslef ONLY) I will no longer do so.
  6. Not sure what your saying here sir, my name is Matt Horton (hence the M. for Matt not for Mr. for Mister...) [And no I have no links with the American Airlines CEO (ex CEO or what ever you want to call him) Tom Horton.]
  7. How many times do I have to tell you: I MODEFIED the XPJ 777, I just kept the flight model and redid the rest...
  8. I modefied the XPJ 777 to make it look better, and no I will not give it to anybody.
  9. Its the freeware one, is there another one that I'm not aware of?
  10. Thank you very much!
  11. a ) Its KSAN/SAN b ) No its the XPJ 777.
  12. I did not know they had one. Where can I download it?
  13. I saw that the new World Traffic plugin that just got out surprisingly works on X-Plane 9.70, so I was wondering how bad (or good) is it on FPS? Because if its good then I might consider getting it. I have a MacBook Pro from 2010.
  14. Here is a picture of my flight, Try and guess which airport I landed at and which plane I flew (I mean who made it).
  15. WOW there are some really awesome pictures here, I might post a picture later today but it wont be half as good as yours.
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