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Everything posted by ortegas

  1. Not sure what is causing this. The pages open up upon themselves, instead of individually. Windows 11 i9 9900K Xplane 12. AMD 7900 GRE. Steve
  2. ortegas


    Hello, Sorry it has been a bit. I wish I had more time to put into this fine hobby. Anyway, I took another flight, same city pair, and the anomaly did not reproduce itself. I even tried different climb/descent modes. The LNAV acted as I anticipated. I will try it again a few more times-as I plan on flying the airplane quite often. If it happens again I will take a snap shot of the issue and post. I am pretty sure I was seeing something not quite right, twice in fact. But alas I am no pilot so my procedure could have been faulty. Thank you for all the inputs. Steve
  3. ortegas


    Hello The flight was from KLAX to KSFO. VTU7 RZS SERFR SERFR2 (or WWAVS1 can't remember which) FL 360 or 380 Departed Rwy 25R Landing ILS 19L Startup from cold and dark I dont remember A/C specifics. I believe ZFW was over 90,000 lbs and fuel for 500 mile leg. It happens on descent. I really can't remember if it was on the star( I think this) or if I was vectoring for the app. Changes, I believe, we're made to the CDU to mimick the star restrictions. Thank you Steve
  4. ortegas


    It has happened to me twice. I will try to emulate the flight again and if it occurs I will post a screen shot. It might be a few days since my work week has commenced. Thank you very much. Steve
  5. ortegas


    Thank you for the reply. So, even though LNAV and VNAV are both engaged, and the aircraft is following the magenta profile, once I disengage VNAV then LNAV disengages too? Then why doesn't the light extinguish (just as the VNAV light extinguishes) showing this behavior? It remains on leading one to believe that the lateral profile will still be followed even though the vertical profile has been changed. Always learning. :-) Thank you sir. Steve
  6. ortegas


    Hello Xplane 10.51; Win 10 64. Ixeg 1.0.7 When in a desc- cruise also- I will disengage vnav in favor of V/S decent. The LNAV light remains on, CMD A is still engaged, but the A/C continues on whatever heading it was on when I disengaged VNAV. I have to either select HDG mode or go to the CDU and activate the current fix where the magenta line updates and the A/C then follows the route. Any idea? Thank you Steve Edit: Looks like lots of vnav issues. Suppose it could be related.
  7. Hello, I had a feeling your were going to say that....LOL.... Thank you very much Sir! Steve
  8. Hello, Yes i did. Steve
  9. Hello, When i armed the auto throttle at the runway, TOGA auto engaged without input from me (no key entry or joystick manipulation). Throttles moved to N1. I was also unable to disengage it. Instead of quiting, I departed. Climb and cruise seemed to go as scheduled. Win10 ver 1.0.3 Thanks Steve
  10. LA, I made no specific statement, or assumption, regarding any characteristic of FSX. I still use it and enjoy it. In fact I made no mention of cruise flight even still, which I have no issues with thus far. My concern was with takeoff only. I have read many posts by Japo32, and others, and so far as I can tell this A/C flies as intended. And with that I am referring to, and accept, and am challenged. I have read some posts on what you mention and if there is an issue I hope it is corrected soon. If it effects this payware model, I have no idea. I think its awesome you had the opportunity to ride in a P51. I would love to myself, let alone have an airplane to call my own. :-) Thank you. Steve
  11. Hey Cessna, I have since gone back to default settings. After lots of practice and research I am finding this A/C to be a challenge = lots of fun. :-) I suppose having only used FSX for so long I was having an adjustment period. This was my first payware for X Plane and I'm glad I have it. After 10 hrs its like Japo32 said in another post: "Its no big Deal." I just wanted to put this out there as I don't want my last post to sound like a compromise was necessary. Definitely not. In fact to do so detracts from the whole point of this A/C. Steve
  12. Hello, What about P torque and propeller twist on ground roll ie takeoff? When taking off with CCW props the wheels on the ground hide the twist moment, but the torque has a natural tendency to make the J32 turn which way? Right? Requiring left rudder to compensate on takeoff role. If so, does the JRollon JS32 simulate this too? On calm wind situations i dont experience much. Windy days, wow! Strong from left requires lots of right rudder. Strong from right requires lots of left rudder. Is this correct? Seems so. Thanks, Steve
  13. Hello, I just purchased the CRJ-200 from X Aviation.com and have installed into Xplane10. Whether I start the A/C cold and dark or running, or from a subsequent A/C the RJ has no PFD displays. Also none of the button and functions are clickable or workable. I can't even engage the battery. I've reinstalled many times without success. There are only two downloads allowed of which only one was successful for me. There is no activation process except for at the beginning before installation, but not within Xplane. The only other quirk is Microsoft visual studio does not install, but the error code is because a newer version is installed and I believe is really a non issue since it is newer. I'm running Win 7 64bit i7 3770K 4.5Ghz 32 gig ram. The download installer says ver. 1.5.2. Any ideas......thanks, Steve
  14. Hello, I had just purchased this A/C and was having so much trouble with the roll rate as well. I am using the Thrustmaster Warthog series Joystick system and combat rudder pedals. The excessive roll was proportional to throttle increase-the more throttle the more roll rate etc. Of course this causes all kinds of other issues-climb rate etc. Yes I have throttle one and throttle two set up. Setting just "throttle" did not solve. Removing calibration file from Output folder to reset did not solve. I went to plane maker selected my A/C set one Prop to CW and the other to CCW as indicated by rick_studder and this solved my problem. Realistic?.......heck I don't know LOL. I wish it worked right off the bat for me like some others. Does is it feel right and fly hands off with trim? Sure does and to me that is what a sim does.......Thanks rick_studder. Steve Hey! could I have something else setup wrong and actually be the culprit....probably. I've only had Xplane a week.............. Does yaw damper have any effect (work) in this A/C? Didn't seem to make an impact either before or after the plane maker change. In the King Air turning on yaw damper made a big impact and I didn't need any adjustment for it.
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