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Everything posted by Z750Jay

  1. World of Tanks if the TiVo Box is not eating up my Internet when I need to kill something. Other than that its Skyrim at the mo as the lack of joystick has me grounded. In the past I have played WoW, Rift, Secret World, Battlefield 2, CoD and Eve Online. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  2. Currently nothing as my joystick died Now trying to work out, joystick or yoke. Choices choices Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  3. Not long been into flight sims. I have been spending equal time on FSX and X Plane 10 so I can see which one I prefer - definitely going the X Plane route. X Plane has been a pain so far to set up and as a flightsim newbie I have had a hard time learning to fly but today it finally clicked. I have been hopping between FSX and X Plane taking in the Alaskan strips in the Cessna 172 to see the differences between the two sim's and while in X plane I finally got my approach and landing spot on. I normally have been coming too fast and high or too slow and low but today it finally clicked using visual clues for my approach. Pure joy, it is all starting to come together - even getting the hang of trimming. I can also see why people believe X plane feels more 'real' compared to FSX, just need to sort out my ground textures as they are just colour at the moment and I can not tell the difference between 50' and 5' - makes landing fun. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  4. Spent last night trying to trim out the Cessna 172 tendency to bank like a b*stard to port and generally not want to fly. Got fed up with that so switched over to a Piper Cub and stated enjoying myself..... once I worked out how to start it! This one only just wants to go left and after getting what leaver does what (a case of 'oh that's where the fuel shut off is') I had just got into it and then wifey wanted my participation in something so it being her birthday I had to oblige Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  5. unfortunately she just looked over my shoulder when I read that - she just went Hmmmmmmm!
  6. Primarily I want to learn to fly and luckily as its time to change my laptop the eye candy capacities will be a bonus. Still trying to workout my set up that will be ok with the wife - I would love to have the cockpit setups of some people but mine will have to be portable/easily broken down due to space and wifey. She does not want me to disappear for hours at a time in a different room so I have to fly while she watches TV. The past few days have been spent reading up on flying basics etc, but hark the wife has just got in and as its her birthday I had better give her some attention! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  7. Hmm good point. I think I want to fly someplace like New Zealand where I grew up and anywhere with mountains/rugged terrain. I fly as I enjoy the difficulties and complexities that are involved plus I enjoy being up there. Probably going VFR but will try all the rest to see if I enjoy that as well. Like I said, I feel I have a whole new world to explore and enjoy
  8. currently I am running stuff on a Toshiba Laptop. Its not too bad as it has an early i5 processor 4G of RAM and a dedicated graphics card. I will be either changing to a better laptop or building a dedicated PC as I can not update the graphics drivers as Toshiba no longer support it. Hoping to get the wifey to agree to the PC, she has already said that I have a £2000 budget for the laptop so things are looking good.
  9. Now I have got X Plane 10 and can take off and just about land ( still coming too low or too fast!) what does everyone do? What would be best to pursue while I am still getting to grips with things? It's like I have opened the door to a whole new world and I am overwhelmed by the possibilities. I am leaning towards short hop cargo bush pilot stuff but not too sure which country to get add on scenery for etc. Any ideas or your own experiences would be a great help
  10. I too am new to X Plane and finding it a steep learning curve. I can see what the detractors say about X Plane and its user interface but I am willing to put up with that as it allows e user sooooo much control over their setup. I also have just starred FSX and had a quick goat Flight but as I have only just got into flight Sim's I am unbiased and owe no particular allegiance so I can give my 2 cents worth. Flight looks nice but feels like an X Box game, FSX looks great and runs straight out of the box but the planes flew way too easy (I have a couple of hour RW flying with an instructor - not much but it's something) and X Plane 10 'feels' right. Even though its been a royal pain to set up ( I am still having snags with my hat buttons) I am on my way to being a X Plane fan boy
  11. That is for the advice people, much to think on!
  12. Thanks for the info. I have looked at that one but lucky have a bigger budget (I am really in the wifey's good books at the moment!) so want one with a 17.5" screen if not bigger. Works out at about $2200 to $3000 budget. I really would like to build a PC in a small/thin case but she still thinks of my old gaming rig which was a tadge on the large size and even I had a hard time lifting. I could get lucky as while I was looking today she spotted the iMac and thought it was a good idea.
  13. Hi all, Wifey has allowed me to get a new laptop to replace my old one with this years bonus and I am wondering what to get. It has to be a laptop as we have no space for a desktop so its either a laptop or iMac style unit. I have between £1500 and £2000 to spend. I have been thinking about the Dell/Alienware or Samsung offerings and wondered about people's ideas.
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