No Saab flying time : only real world flying as a private pilot since 1995... and an airliner passenger since a much longer time !
30° is the comfort maximum value, commonly adopted for passenger transportation in "civilized" companies : try to bank harder and you'll begin to hear some yells behind the door
I agree with observations # 2, 4, 5 :
- bank angle is much too wide when turning on AP (should be 30° max)
- GPWS alerts on landing, when fully configured
- pitch an roll too sensible when handflying at any airspeed (much more than XP10 version)
Nosewheel steering inoperative here as well : hydraulics OK, tiller control assigned to an axis, tiller hydraulic command button assigned to a switch... I can only taxi by using the differential brakes on my physical pedals (Thrustmaster).