Goran the best I can tell is at night (set to 2200 or something).... HDR on I haven't touched the shades (those work ? cool!) Current date Airport doesn't matter it happens at all of them Render settings the ones I sent you on skype a few days ago Yes I modded the datarefs.lua with some Raleigh tweaks... these ones: set( "sim/private/controls/clouds/cloud_shadow_lighten_ratio", 0.8 )set( "sim/private/controls/atmo/atmo_scale_raleigh", 20.0 )set( "sim/private/controls/atmo/inscatter_gain_mie", 2.0 )set( "sim/private/controls/atmo/inscatter_gain_raleigh", 13.0 )set( "sim/private/controls/atmo/scatter_raleigh_b", 10.0 )set( "sim/private/controls/atmo/scatter_raleigh_g", 2.80 )set( "sim/private/controls/atmo/scatter_raleigh_r", 0.010 )set( "sim/private/controls/skyc/white_out_in_clouds", 0.5 ) The best angle to see the blue is from above and slightly to the side of the fuselage... they mainly show up on the bottom of the windows. p.s. I just tested WITHOUT all those modded dataref settings and still got the blue.. here's what I see