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Everything posted by ryanbatc

  1. Bizjets..... this one is lookin fine! YUMM!!
  2. Goran the best I can tell is at night (set to 2200 or something).... HDR on I haven't touched the shades (those work ? cool!) Current date Airport doesn't matter it happens at all of them Render settings the ones I sent you on skype a few days ago Yes I modded the datarefs.lua with some Raleigh tweaks... these ones: set( "sim/private/controls/clouds/cloud_shadow_lighten_ratio", 0.8 )set( "sim/private/controls/atmo/atmo_scale_raleigh", 20.0 )set( "sim/private/controls/atmo/inscatter_gain_mie", 2.0 )set( "sim/private/controls/atmo/inscatter_gain_raleigh", 13.0 )set( "sim/private/controls/atmo/scatter_raleigh_b", 10.0 )set( "sim/private/controls/atmo/scatter_raleigh_g", 2.80 )set( "sim/private/controls/atmo/scatter_raleigh_r", 0.010 )set( "sim/private/controls/skyc/white_out_in_clouds", 0.5 ) The best angle to see the blue is from above and slightly to the side of the fuselage... they mainly show up on the bottom of the windows. p.s. I just tested WITHOUT all those modded dataref settings and still got the blue.. here's what I see
  3. Fairly quickly (5-10 minutes)... but I searched this forum yesterday and it looks like it MAY be related to the XP mouse manipulator bug.... hard to say. With the manip bugs the increase or decrease can become opposite of how it used to work. This is sort of what is happening to me... but in my case it's simply not working while I hold and drag.
  4. I have this too... I assumed it was something to do with HDR and the Raleigh scattering tweaks
  5. Initially the click and hold and drag works well for the comm1 radio. But after flying around the function of click/hold/drag stops working. The only way to change frequencies is to click and drag, click and drag, tediously one digit at a time. Has this ever happened to anyone?
  6. After landing and taxi to park the manual says Power lever to ground idle, then cond lever to START. My props DO feather and I let the ITT stabilize. Then I move the cond lever to fuel cutoff.... the instrumentation shows zero but I still hear the engines and the props are turning pretty well (I can see about 6 blades in the animation per disc) What am I missing?
  7. I finally downloaded this editor program. I opened my current scenery but none of the buildings show - just the ramps/ry/txys. Is there a tutorial that shows how to open existing files (specifically ones converted by FSX2XP?) All the taxiways and signage looks pretty good I'd hate to re-do those parts.
  8. Thanks
  9. I'm looking for the MU2 support forum. Whenever I switch tasks in Windows to say, the internet browser, I get a black screen when I go back to XP when this plane is flying. Wondering if I could get some support.
  10. This is looking superb! (Primary FSX user here.... *hides*) I will be getting it for sure! I agree.. I loved seen the old Mesaba SF34's fly by! Miss the red tail NWA in general... (forum won't let me post {photographed by me} old school Saab pic )
  11. Thanks Mario... that's what I discovered... Seems 64bit is still a WIP. Are there any downfalls to flying in x86 XP10?
  12. That's helpful... I didn't even know they had a support forum... thanks
  13. Edit: In addition to that I've got another bug with the course setting... it rolls past 360 ... see the example. I've noticed this with other XP10 addons as well... GRRRR not happy at the moment
  14. My first XP purchase... not going so well *sigh* I get this semi-blank PFD that flashes between normal display and this... then after a few min XP freezes (or immediately after I press autopilot buttons) Running latest XP10 beta x64 with HDR mode off. Win7 x64 SP1, i5 2500K @ 4.4GHz, 8GB ram, GTX 570 stock speeds
  15. Is that in the Open Scenery program?
  16. The A36 looks good, thanks. I've heard it doesn't forward slip too well. Can someone confirm? Also, can I get the SASL plugin for free and where?
  17. There's a few planes I'm looking over for my first XP10 payware purchase. But I want to make a good one. These planes must be compatible with x64 too. Also they need to have the newer mouse click and drag operation, not the default, click and hold for radios and OBS knobs etc. I like to go fast. Fast as in at least 150 ktas. 200 ktas is better, especially for VFR flying. I don't mind a little slower for IFR ops. So far I'm looking at the Blackshape Prime by Dmax. It looks cool and since I fly online I can fly it as experimental category. Does it have a transponder? And does it work with x64? For IFR I'm looking at the Beech Duchess by Goran, but I'm a wondering why the HSI was put on the bottom instead of in the sacred six stack. Additionally the Carenado C337 Mixmaster (I've got it for FSX) looks great in the previews. Finally the F8L Seqouia looks like my type of plane, but it appears to be an older model. Does it work for XP10 x64? Do you experts have any ideas? Again, in order of importance... must be x64 compatible, must have the newer mouse clickspots (click and drag), must cruise faster than 150 ktas. Finally an autopilot and xpndr is a nice addition as a do a lot of online flying. Thank you for considering.
  18. Rats... that means a lot of work for me. Thanks for the answers.
  19. Sorry if wrong forum... I'm new here. I'm attempting to convert one of my personal sceneries to XP10 from FSX. I'm getting a lot of white objects. A few are textured... you can see fuel farms, helo pads, airport beacon etc. In FSX, this scenery was made with ADEX, a fairly decent freeware program which uses default FSX scenery library objects. What am I doing wrong? I tried pointing the FS2XPLANE converter's secondary folder to my FSX/Texture folder tree with no success. Here's what the scenery looks like in XP10, and the text output: FS2XPlane 3.26System: Windows 6.1 Service Pack 1Target: X-Plane 10Non-zero altitude (28.04m) for object gen_radio01 at ( 46.82638900, -92.19472200) in file KDLH_ADEX_RB.BGLObject 41abe05344d44987119187ae190cdbdd not foundObject AIR_Fire_Station_Huge is a built-in objectObject gen_hangar02 is a built-in objectObject gen_hangar06 is a built-in objectObject gen_hangar07 is a built-in objectObject gen_radio01 is a built-in objectObject gen_shedwoodgrey01 is a built-in objectObject small_fuel_station2 is a built-in objectUsing objects from the OpenSceneryX library
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