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Everything posted by hgkafa

  1. Thanks for explaining. I was curious to why this memory corruption only trips SMP, nothing else. However, following what you said in the posts above I inspected my custom scenery folder and found that I have two LEBL custom sceneries (the Aerosoft one and the one I downloaded). I disabled the Aerosoft one using the custom scenery ini file, and tried again the exact same route, and encountered no CTD on the way. Safe landing this time! Thanks again for the explanation.
  2. I'm not an expert in reading the log file either, but the CTD in both our cases is happening after SMP changes the location to a new latituede and longitude. There's only one more line in your file before the CTD. Even if I found the LEBL scenery to be the issue, it is still SMP that is causing the crash, and should be fixed. It's not normal that we need to throw away each scenery package that SMP fails to interact with. Clearly, this could happen with any scenery making the whole experience unpredictable. Thanks
  3. Hi, I am having the exact same problem. For me, I am using LEBL scenery which I have been using for a long time with no problems. I bought the new 737 IXEG, and both flights ended with CTD at exactly the same location. The log file (attached) shows that it happened when SMP was changing the attitude and longitude, and the second log file is exactly the same. I also find it difficult to understand why SMP and LEBL scenery worked perfectly well together for so many flights suddenly present a problem when a new plane is introduced. Log.txt
  4. Amazing work, thank you. Just a question regarding these hotfixes. If I haven't applied the hotfix 001, will applying this 2nd hotfix bring everything up to date? or do I need to apply the them in order, and one by one? Many thanks! Houmam
  5. From x-aviation. I can access my account here and look at my purchase history, but can't download as there's no link.
  6. Hi, I would like to re-install the CRJ200 to clear some problems with Gizmo and the activation. In my account, it says I have 3 downloads remaining, but the links have expired last year. Could you please help? Thanks, Houmam
  7. Thanks Philipp, I am trying to update plane, but like I said the updater quits unexpectedly every time I try to update, which is another issue all together. I deleted the mac.xpl plugin as you advised, thanks. I also found a Gizmo log if it helps. Attached. I hope the Gizmo experts have some answer for me. GizmoLog.txt
  8. Hi, I am running plane 10.25 and the 64 bit version of CRJ200 never gave me a problem before (activation performed correctly). I have installed a clean copy of yosemite and moved my plane to an external drive. When I run xplane and load the CRJ200 with engine running, the pfd and mfd are black. I tried to follow instructions on the forum to delete the serial.dat to re-activate, but I have no such file. I tried to re-download the CRJ200, but it says my links have expired. I tried to update my xplane but the updater keeps crashing. Is this related to running xplane from the external hard drive? I thought it was possible with no problem. Could you please help? I attach the log file. Thanks Log.txt
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