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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/2012 in Posts

  1. A report. Trying to get the Moo to work in V10 given my current plugin code...which you might recall is based on V8/V9 behavior, is proving to be a headache. Due to other work I'm involved in, which is time sensitive and thus demanding much of my time.... has LOTS of technology which I believe will address the shortcomings in the MU2 engine model and also be applicable to simulating the Moo to another level of accuracy. I am a REAL stickler for operating accuracy and I'm expending a lot of effort trying to get the last 5 percent of accuracy from a 4 year old approach...and I think the effort is becoming exponential. The thing is the "last 5%" of operation is operations that are very visible and common, so it's not some obscure functionality....it's behavior that is glaringly wrong. So, I am going to "back up" a bit....try to replace the old code with new code that uses overrides. By doing so, I can guarantee compatibility with future versions for a long time to come. I have spoke with Austin and Ben about overrides and where to allow hardcore custom developers to "tap into" the xplane model in a way that won't limit them or break stuff in the future. I'll be attending the x-plane conference in South Carolina in a week and meeting with Ben and Austin with a list of issues that have caused headaches for some time. My hope is that instead of beating my head against a wall in an effort to try and meet some timeframe with a nasty, patched up engine model, I can back up a short bit and put out a product that is "done right" and I can look back and tell customers...THIS is the way it is, it IS right and we can sit back and say, "ah..it just works and was worth the wait". I apologize, it's not just laziness, but a serious desire to make sure that all customers....in all the myriad of ways they'll interact with the Moo...it will just work for them. I'll probably expand on more details in about a week, after the x-plane developer conference.
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