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Dear All,

As my flying skills are still very limited I am watching tons of videos and reading stuff. Have came across videos of someone doing PPL. One of his problems with understanding how to fly was very low rudder controller usage - instructor pointed it out as extremely important. And that makes me wonder. I am not using rudder at all (except for taxiing). Never felt like I had to.

Then I dig a bit a little deeper and realized that while banking ball should be kicked off out of the middle. In my case it never does it. In fact, to get the ball out of the middle I need to suddenly and aggressively use rudder. Have read more and find out that there is a thing called autocoordinator which does turn rudder for you. More research revealed that in x-plane it should be automatically turn on if there is no yaw axis set up in configuration. As you can clearly see on the screenshot below I do have it set up. I am using x52 if that matters.


How can I turn it off (if that is the case)?

Thank you kindly for any hints,

Kind regards,


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Hi woweezowee,

Many, many thanks for those links! Will get a huge amount of knowledge out of it! Big thanks.

But my question still remains - how do I prevent X-Plane from auto coordinating my turns?

Kind regards,


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buy rudder pedals :D

or, you may want to reset all axis (e.g. delete the sims preference files) and see if that helps. but I guess it is somehow related to your hardware. And rudder pedals add really a lot to the fun!

oh, another edit:

it might as well be related to the plane you are flying in xplane.

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And this is a thing. I do have yaw controllers - not pedals, but my joystick can rotate (Saitek x52) to control rudder. It works just fine but unfortunately somehow X-Plane still does coordinate turns for me. Tried with wide variety of planes both freeware and payware.

Any hints?

Kind regards,


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Thanks for that garrettm30. It seems to be solving my problem at least partially.

Ball is not as stable as it used to be and requires a bit of rudder input. Now I need to learn how to use rudder.

Thanks once again.


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