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Linux, stutter and boxes still here.

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Hi Philllip,

First of all sorry for opening new thread. Decided to have it in one place.

I am still struggling making CRJ200 run properly, unfortunately. I really hope that you will be able to help.

I have installed archlinux and there as well as in gentoo I can see stuttering with displays on as well as 'mysterious dotted boxes' on displays.

Could you please provide me with information of version of: mesa, opengl, nvidia drivers, kernel openal, Qt (and whatever else you might think might be relevant) of a system that is know to work well?

I will then try to upgrade/downgrade them one by one in order to find what the problem is.

Please find attached list of packages installed now:

media-libs/mesa (7.10.2-r1@28/04/11): OpenGL-like graphic library for Linux

x11-apps/mesa-progs (8.0.1@23/01/11): Mesa's OpenGL utility and demo programs (glxgears and glxinfo)

media-video/nvidia-settings (275.09[1]@24/05/11): NVIDIA Linux X11 Settings Utility

x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers (275.09[1]@24/05/11): NVIDIA X11 driver and GLX libraries

app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-opengl (20110129-r1@26/02/11): Provides precompiled 32bit libraries

dev-python/pyopengl (3.0.1@26/02/11): Python OpenGL bindings

virtual/opengl (7.0@10/10/09): Virtual for OpenGL implementation

x11-libs/qt-opengl (4.7.3(4)@24/05/11): The OpenGL module for the Qt toolkit

app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs (20110129@28/05/11): Provides precompiled 32bit libraries

app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-compat (20100611@18/06/10): 32 bit lib-compat, and also libgcc_s and libstdc++ from gcc 3.3 and 3.4 for non-multilib systems

app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-gtklibs (20110129@13/02/11): Provides precompiled 32bit libraries

app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-medialibs (20110129@13/02/11): Provides precompiled 32bit libraries

app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-opengl (20110129-r1@26/02/11): Provides precompiled 32bit libraries

app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-qtlibs (20110129@13/02/11): Provides precompiled 32bit libraries

app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-sdl (20110129@13/02/11): Provides precompiled 32bit libraries

app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-soundlibs (20110129@13/02/11): Provides precompiled 32bit libraries

app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-xlibs (20110129@13/02/11): Provides precompiled 32bit libraries

kde-base/kdemultimedia-kioslaves (4.6.3(4.6)@25/05/11): KDE kioslaves from the kdemultimedia package

app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-qtlibs (20110129@13/02/11): Provides precompiled 32bit libraries

dev-libs/libdbusmenu-qt (0.8.2@30/04/11): A library providing Qt implementation of DBusMenu specification

dev-python/PyQt4 (4.8.4@24/05/11): Python bindings for the Qt toolkit

x11-libs/qt-core (4.7.3(4)@24/05/11): The Qt toolkit is a comprehensive C++ application development framework

x11-libs/qt-dbus (4.7.3(4)@24/05/11): The DBus module for the Qt toolkit

x11-libs/qt-declarative (4.7.3(4)@24/05/11): The Declarative module for the Qt toolkit

x11-libs/qt-gui (4.7.3(4)@24/05/11): The GUI module for the Qt toolkit

x11-libs/qt-multimedia (4.7.3(4)@24/05/11): The Qt multimedia module

x11-libs/qt-opengl (4.7.3(4)@24/05/11): The OpenGL module for the Qt toolkit

x11-libs/qt-qt3support (4.7.3(4)@24/05/11): The Qt3 support module for the Qt toolkit

x11-libs/qt-script (4.7.3(4)@24/05/11): The ECMAScript module for the Qt toolkit

x11-libs/qt-sql (4.7.3(4)@24/05/11): The SQL module for the Qt toolkit

x11-libs/qt-svg (4.7.3(4)@24/05/11): The SVG module for the Qt toolkit

x11-libs/qt-test (4.7.3(4)@24/05/11): The testing framework module for the Qt toolkit

x11-libs/qt-webkit (4.7.3(4)@24/05/11): The Webkit module for the Qt toolkit

x11-libs/qt-xmlpatterns (4.7.3(4)@24/05/11): The patternist module for the Qt toolkit

media-libs/openal (1.13@20/03/11): A software implementation of the OpenAL 3D audio API

x11-base/xorg-drivers (1.10@28/04/11): Meta package containing deps on all xorg drivers

x11-base/xorg-server (1.10.2@29/05/11): X.Org X servers

x11-base/xorg-x11 (7.4-r1@10/10/09): An X11 implementation maintained by the X.Org Foundation (meta package)

[ U] x11-misc/xorg-cf-files (1.0.3@11/04/10 -> 1.0.4): Old Imake-related build files

Linux Thorium 2.6.38-gentoo-r3 #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon May 2 17:32:44 BST 2011 x86_64 AMD Phenom 9850 Quad-Core Processor AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux

[i will try 2.6.39 kernel in the minute] EDIT: Problem still exists with 2.6.39.

And attached is nvidia debug info.

Kind regards,



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Just to confirm: I have these "boxes" here on my openSuse 11.4, too. But so far I have seen them only when the name of a VOR is displayed (for instance TGL in EDDT).

X-Plane 9.69

Kernel 2.6.37 x64

NVidia GeForce 450 GTS (Driver 270.41.06)

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Hi all !

I'm also using GNU/Linux but I did not notice "dotted boxes" on the displays (my latest screenshots are here).

I also had stutters when using an old Nvidia driver. The solution for me was to change the Nvidia driver ! I had version 195.36.24 (default Nvidia proprietary driver in Ubuntu 10.04) and I installed version 270.29.

:-\ But I guess you all already have a new driver...

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