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Darker clouds?


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The plugin works like a charm. Nice performance. However from my point of view the clouds are too dark. Summer, just a few clouds over Portland 


A photo of real clouds


I used UltraWeather, this is how the clouds looked..


Just trying to make RWC a perfect product..

Sorry for my bad english :P

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Clouds are a factor of SkyMaxx Pro, not RWC.

We have already fine tuned these in 3.1.1 to have more light. Clouds in SkyMaxx Pro v3 are a bit more "interactive" than things like RWC. As more clouds are nearer to one another, darker colors can come into effect.

Frank is a certified meteorologist, so the geek level is definitely there. ;) 

This is a matter of taste and feedback. We've changed colorations throughout time, and this has been the happier medium people have preferred. As always, we'll continue to listen to customer feedback (which we get a ton of in e-mails).

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8 minutes ago, Cameron said:

Clouds are a factor of SkyMaxx Pro, not RWC.

We have already fine tuned these in 3.1.1 to have more light. Clouds in SkyMaxx Pro v3 are a bit more "interactive" than things like RWC. As more clouds are nearer to one another, darker colors can come into effect.

Frank is a certified meteorologist, so the geek level is definitely there. ;) 

This is a matter of taste and feedback. We've changed colorations throughout time, and this has been the happier medium people have preferred. As always, we'll continue to listen to customer feedback (which we get a ton of in e-mails).

I was a user of skymaxx v2, the clouds were way more brighter, but as you said it could be the fact that RWC is working. Hoping for an update to correct colors, anyway great product!

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3 minutes ago, Cameron said:

Version 2 did not have the ability to change coloration based on density like v3 does. Not sure what the relevance of this statement was at all.

No one said the ability to change, the clouds were brighter. As you already said, it may be the fact that RWC generates clouds that could make shadows between them

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