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Checklister for the Corvalis


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Here you'll find a checklister file for the Corvalis, one of my favorite planes on XP. This is my first attempt to do this, but I think it's running not so bad. I started with the checklist written by Zach DeCou for the Falco (another of my favorites  :)) - than you Zach - and tried to follow most of the items listed in the published checklist.

The different screens of the checklist will pop up at each stage of your flight, except from "cruise" to "descent" et from "descent" to "approach" (you will have to click manually to go to the next step). On "before taxi" page, if you are hurry to fly and do not want to proceed to crosstie and speedbrake operations, just click the Crosstie switch on and off, then click on the taxi lights and normally, the checklist will jump to the next page ("run up and taxi").

Items to improve yet :

- I failed to find the correct data for speedbrakes.

- Same for the flaps (but it works !).

I hope it will help to enjoy people to fly this beautiful aircraft,



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