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How to perform same functions in xplane 10 as in FSX?


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I have used fsx since it came out back in 2005. Microsoft stopped making flight simulators after fsx and it started to get outdated and barely starts up before crashing in 2014 with windows 8.

I have recently downloaded the demo for xplane 10 and will purchase the full global version within the next few weeks. I have to say I'm glad I did because xplane seems so much better than fsx. However , from playing the demo I have several questions on the control differences in xplane than in fsx.

Below is a list of questions I have. If you are familiar with fsx and colander 10 please help me by answering some of them. Thank you!


Is there a locked spot view in xplane 10 as in fsx? If so how do I use it?

How do I move around and explore the interior of planes in xplane 10 that has a cabin such as the default united 747-400?

Do all planes in xplane 10 have a 2d panel? For example the Ferrari plane has a 2d panel but I can't find a 2d panel view for the 747

Auto pilot

In fsx there was a flight planner that automatically programs the route into the flight computer, in xplane 10 I can't find something like that so how do I program the flight computer manually?

In the 747 in xplane the autopilot panel is different than the 747 in fsx. In fsx if I tell the autopilot to climb to 35,000 ft I adjust the altidude knob and vertical speed knob accordingly then turn on the autopilot and press the hold alt button. But if I do it in xplane 10 it won't do that. So how do I tell the autopilot to climb and maintain 35,000 ft at a vertical speed of 2,000ft/min for example?

How do I tell the auto pilot to fly the gps route in xplane 10?

How do I land the plane with the nav radio set to an ils freq using the approach function of the autopilot?

How do I tell the 747 autopilot to fly at a speed of 300 knots?

How do I make the "ai flies your plane" fly a route at an altitude I selected instead of it randomly doing it's own thing?

How do I tune in the radio frequencies of ATC?


In fsx I can adjust the throttle to full power and min power by dressing f4 and f1 respectively. Can I do that in xplane 10? If so how?

What are the keyboard commands for flaps?

What are the keyboard commands for the landing gear?

What are the keyboard commands for the speed brake?


Is there a map such as in fsx? I know there is a local map but it only shows me a small area and the global map shows hardly any detail and immediately changes your aircraft position if you accidentally clock somewhere.

Is there a flight analysis like in fsx?


Is there site such as simviation where I can get a large selection of freeware aircraft and other addons? I know there is a xplane section on simviation but there aren't a lot of addons yet.

How do you install them?

Are there programs such as air hauler and fspassengers for xplane?

Thanks any advice and help you have is appreciated

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I have to make this quick, so it won't be detailed, but check the 'View' menu. Not every plane has a 2d cockpit, some only have 3d cockpit. You have 6 DOF to move around the 3d cockpit using the keyboard and/or mouse (right click and hold), or Q, E, R, F, comma, period, plus/minus and arrow keys.


You can view all the key assignments from Settings->Joysticks & Equipment -> keys tab.


There is only one map, don't click it, there's no reason to. You can zoom and pan with arrow keys or the minus/plus keys.


Regarding a/p. you need to play with it and you'll get there (I know that isn't particularly helpful, but there isn't an autopilot I haven't been able to work out by simply spending some time and working it out).


If I had more time I'd go into a lot more detail, this is the best I can do right now.

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Generally, this site and x-plane.org have the majority of free aircraft available!


As for the FMC, the standard 747 one is extremely basic, you basically use the buttons to select a type of navaid, then type in the name of the navaid and it is entered. Press the next page button, repeat as necessary, and you have a flight plan! If you want help on what to enter, try a flight plan generator like http://rfinder.asalink.net/free/ - just enter your departure and destination airports, and copy the names of each waypoint provided!


If you really want a good map, you're best off with an external application like the free and very powerful EFASS ( http://froom.de/efass/ )! This can also create flight plans which can be exported to X-plane to be loaded by the FMC using the save/load keys.


I think the best way to get key commands, and to change them, is indeed in the menu Keith mentioned. Have a god look at these, though most are fairly intuitive (g for gear toggle, 1 and 2 for flaps up/down etc.)


Hope this helps!

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  • 2 weeks later...

What are the keyboard commands


Go to the settings menu and click on Joystick and Equipment page. There are a few tabs for you to look at, but I recommend the Keys: Advanced tab. Basically you just push a key or a button on your joystick and can then assign it to any command you want. I think you'll find it easier to customize your commands than FSX (I do) and going through the pain of getting everything to your liking is well worth it.


If you just want a list of default command, check out the Keys tab, it will show what is assigned to what key on the keyboard. But you kind of have to browse through it all to find what you're looking for.

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