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Amphibian gear issue

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When I retract the gear on the amphibian (wheels) only the nose gear on the right hand float retracts, all the others remain down in the external view.

Also there is no water rudder retract switch in the VC just the tailwheel lock which does nothing, the external sounds in both models sound like the engines are at idle, inside sounds are fine.


X-plane 10 64 bit win 7



Any ideas?


Edited by Lewicide
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Ok, I just had a look at these issues.

The gear DOES work as it should. 

The water rudder control is the same as the tail wheel lock control.  I'll sort out the texture issue and we'll issue an update soon that corrects this, but pulling the tail wheel lock control WILL control the water rudder for the time being.

I checked the sounds and I cannot hear anything wrong with them.  Engines sound like they're spooling up in interior and exterior view.


Re the gear and sound issue, it's possible you have an older version of Gizmo installed.  

When you are in sim, go to the top menu...click Plugins->Gizmo64->About Gizmo and let me know the version number.


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On mine the amphibian sitting on the tarmac will sink down onto the floats if you retract the gear but three of the wheels don't retract (visually) and the gear doors are missing from the left front gear


the water rudders are in the down position and wont retract, I also get mouse freezes where I loose mouse function for about 30sec-1 minute.


Couldn't get it to tell me via the top menu when I clicked on about Gizmo nothing happened


but when I went into plugins/gizmo64.plugin/firmware/extensions/aboutgizmo     I got a txt file saying




I'm guessing the version is in the last half of that text, I also sometimes get a screaming loud sound when loading a sasl based ac


I think that was a feature of the alder Gizmo, thanks for your help


from gizmo log firmware v14.01.12.2265





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I submitted a support ticket, and received a very prompt reply from Cameron stating that they had not had similar issues reported by any other customers


and he could not replicate the problem, they would watch for similar reports, he did not suggest a course of action.


Which brings me back here, 


Gizmo has been replaced, what should I look for now ? Should I uninstall and re-install, because it came with an installer I'm not sure how to do this.


any help please?

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Did as suggested, used up my last download (although I have a record of only one previous download) re-installed as described, exactly the same result


now I know nothing of your code or modelling but I could use a bit of help particularly as the product is not on the cheap side there is nowhere else to ask for help . I have no other plug-ins


I guess you can wash your hands of it and that just leaves me $43,00 poorer and aggravated, or you who know your code and your product could at least suggest where I could start looking for a solution, I'll put my time in, but without your help


I don't even know where to start

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Ok, lets start with posting screenshots of the problem you are experiencing.  

Please post a screenshot of the DC-3 (float version) on the runway with gear down and one with gear up so I can see exactly what is going on.

Please make sure ALL plug ins EXCEPT Gizmo are disabled.

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G'day  I've taken some screenshots and attached them including one of my plugins folder, when you say disable, does that mean remove from the folder, I'm not sure what is meant to be there


so if you could tell me what I should remove that would be great. Sorry about the size of the files it's pretty much the first time I've used screenshots.





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I think I may have found the problem.

I'll discuss with Cameron and see what we can do about getting an update out asap.

Just an FYI, the landing gear being stuck in the down position when you raise it from the cockpit has no effect on the flight model.  The ACTUAL landing gear of the flight model IS being raised.  So keep flying as if nothing is wrong for the time being.

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