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Full Compatibility with Terra Haze


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I'm sure you guys heard about using flywithlua to simulate better atmosphere, clouds, shadows, ocean etc. I was wondering if there is any plan to have SMP fully compatible with this fantastic add-on http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=22387


The only thing that is missing are the clouds shadows on the ground, obviously because SMP has its own clouds, but since you already managed to have perfect reflections on the water maybe you can do again another... miracle ;) and have clouds casting shadows on the ground via the above add-on, thanks for your consideration :)

Edited by flydav
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Oh I see Tom I totally missed the whole thing...but that doesn't answer my question does it? I read the whole thread and got a bit lost on the number of tweaks and updates to the tweaks.

Also I don't understand why you're using SMP with all the clouds and other stuff at zero,instead of totally unistalling it...arent you using aerosoft clouds?  it would be great if you could recap somehow all the tweaks to the lua files since I don't understand which ones are the latest.

Thanks a lot! 

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SMP is still working with my settings, only more efficient and way more suited for me. I get the shadows on ground, the god rays and sky color.

When it comes to clouds it does do a huge difference, I just choose to operate at the lowest settings for performance. Think the cloud system can be worked at

but that must be up to the makes. I have the option to adjust the cloud draw distance when ever I choos to do it, for testing purpose I have all at the lowest setting and that seems to

working just fine for now.




Levers at zero does not equal off, just think of it as very low rather than 0

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