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Hard to imagine , this is freeware

Leen de Jager

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OK its was initially made for XP9 now upgraded to XP10-64 ( they are working on the autopilot)

OK, is was not so very good textured an normalmapping was missing.


OK it suffers the same grayish textures due to a mistake in the OBJ files I spoke about lately.  ( see for explanation this post   http://forums.x-plan...939#entry786485) or http://forums.x-pilot.com/topic/6474-when-colors-are-dark-and-dull/#entry69642

BUT , once it was payware and now it is FREE


With edited OBJ files and added normals it has the looks of payware.

This livery including normals and customised OBJ files will be available soon.



Edited by Leen de Jager
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Why is that   "sad" ?

OK, its always a bit painfull to see something you bought in the past , being offered now for a few bucks or even for free. ( quiet normal in modern bizz)

On the other hand , guys who cannot afford payware can be very happy with it.

When a old painter from Holland puts some energy in the project and makes the plane a bit better (visually) its just a plus+plus-situation.( also for the users who bought the plane and who can update its appearance now.)


Because its freeware , I was thinking, lets have a look and I started to work on the bird.

That would not have happened if it was`nt free.




Edited by Leen de Jager
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Jim, I understand that it's sad for you and that it can make you a bit angry. I also bought couple of things whiche were in discount/free a week later and not just planes.


But these kind of actions can be actually good for the both side of the business. I personally never gave much care about eastern-block airplanes, mainly because our flag-carrier airline (ČSA) were forced to use them during communist era and my friends who used to fly during that time were very far from being hapy about the planes and the service overall (and I still hear some scary stories from friends who have business trips to Rusia and are forced to take the Aeroflot's domestic routes with old soviet planes).


I tried this one after it was released as freeware and loved it - ok, it has some glitches, but flies nice. I immediately bought the An.24 from the same author, which is very nice plane. Without this released as freeware, I would not have another nice plane and Felis would have one sale less. I can imagine that I am not the only one :) .

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Its sad that all those planes I bought over at the org are free now. Have had this one since its release as payware.


I too bought it at release. I really enjoyed it, got some great flights out of it. I don't begrudge other people getting it for free now though. I know my money supported the development of the plane, and I got my money's worth in time spent flying. I would probably feel differently if I had bought it a week before they started giving it away.

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I am not begrudging anyone, just hits a nerve when you pay for something and a couple year later its free.  This is true of many of the planes that were in the email

I received from the org showing the list free planes that were bought out by Nicholas. Only 1 plane on his list I did not already own. But at least they were updated to

run 10x.

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  • 4 weeks later...

For those of you complaining about add-ons that are now free, for which you once paid, think of the enjoyment that they gave you in the meantime. You surely didn't make your purchase as an investment.  Unlike a car which may become a valuable classic software always ages and becomes outdated.  You bought the product for entertainment not as a way to make a profit in the future.

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The bar for payware planes moves forward. Legacy products which were once payware calibre don't always remain at that level unless they are updated to take advantage of the latest features and trends in aircraft modeling.


Rather than have close to 0 ongoing sales, perhaps the designer wanted to help keep his name out there, or just give back to the community. If the plane was 3 months old, I'd better understand the position, but if the plane is a few years old...not so much.

Edited by Keith Smith
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