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SkymaxxPro is getting better than ever!!!


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I just finished my first flight with version 1.3 its unbelievable! Amazing...pauses are almost nothing, clouds are getting more and more realistic, performance is also getting way better!

These are a few shots just to show the undecided people what SMP is capable of and thanks again for making my wish of the " forced cirrus layer" come true!

This is a must have add-on  






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i agree, i stopped using XP10 for a while and went back to that whore FSX :lol:  because i couldn't take the SMP pauses and other issues with "real weather" on  BUT ever since version 1.3 was released I keep setting up flights in XP10 to enjoy the new updated SMP...i love it!



Glad we could turn you around Harry, we knew we would ;)  

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and went back to that whore FSX


:lol: :lol: :lol::D


John, just took a look at the SMP settings and different cirrus textures, awesome.


Cirrus force idea was when that genus light bulb clicked in your head. :D   It was a great improvement in my opinion.


I love contrails or like some say chem-trails  :P .


Do you think , maybe one day in the future, we could have an option to adjust their density?


I love SMP as it is but since I know you guys will be shooting for perfection, I just wanted to ask. :)


Thank you, cheers, AJ  ;)

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SMP 1.3 is ok for me, but I still have the problem with some light halo. I identified one NAMED_LIGHT (it's a white beacon light) that have this problem. As soon as I can I'll post a more precise feedback.

Sent from Mad iPhone using Tapatalk


Mat we are aware of that issue and it wasn't fixed in 1.3 but we are working on it......

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OK, here goes AJ AGAIN! 


Guys, I do not care how many times I said that, I have to say it again.


Thank you John, Thank you SkyMaxx Pro Team, Thank you X-Aviation Team to make it possible.


Why do I had to say it?


I am flying on VATSIM now, one of the longer flights using FSE to pay off my baby LES Saab340A  ( BTW, v$3,600,000 ).


I switched to outside view and started playing with the time of the day ( since I am on VATSIM, I could not change the weather).


I was so impressed with what I saw that I made the video below.


I am in love with SMP and my LES Saab340A, call me whatever you want, I do not care, had to post it here. :D


Cheers, AJ ;)


P.S. The first part of the video has some sounds from me watching the video on you tube on the other screen, sorry about that. :(


Watch in HD and full screen.


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Agree, things are so good with X-Plane at the moment, 1.3 SMP and 1.1 Saab...its amazing.  I was at EIDW extreme with so many details, full clouds and overcast, traffic and on VATSIM with a steady 30FPS.  I have never had this and it is all i wanted since a started using FSX years and years ago now.  Utterly brilliant.  Thank you John and evryone who is making this happen.  Now...How can i get out of work early ?

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Well I just have to say something...




What took me so long?

I guess I thought 40 was a lot of money...

Silly me!


Now I don´t have to stick my head in to that pot of mashed potatoes they call clouds i X plane anymore!

(where everything goes solid grey)

And performance gain? Could not believe that really... But Oh Yes! Not only a few frames... but from 30 to 35-40.
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