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XP Scenery Generator [WIP]


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Nope, did not work this either..


Hi again Tom... I suggest to read carefully all instructions, on Tony's site. Don't forget that it runs fine on other users.


You wrote:



Did try this program with the latest osm file for norway, but it did not work at all


I'd have prefer to read



I did something wrong but don't know what...


... all answers are on tony's site. It's clear and easy. If I understood well you're a dev, so it shouldn't be much difficult.


Hope i didn't sound harsh, it's quite tricky to get things/feelings over the net by written posts ^^ It's a friendly posting of course ;-)


Thank you for reading

Edited by blacky75
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Open up resources/residential.csv, and remove all houses which use the FF Library (You can tell by the file path). Or you can see the paths in your error log for X-Plane. I'll add an option into the CSV file for future versions to include the library name, so you can simply just disable an entire library.


Also, read the included manual, it describes how it works and how to configure the app. The default configuration and Simheaven's W2XP scenery uses objects from the FF Library, as it looks good in Germany, and until a time we have our own objects to replace them, it will remain that way. 


The application is highly configurable, and as a developer, you should appreciate having almost complete control over what is generated and how.

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Remember it uses virtual paths from the library.txt file provided with the FF library "Most of the FF library begins with lib/". So, you'd need to look at each line and know where it is. The easiest way to exclude it is to see the xplane log file and remove any paths it is complaining are missing.


I'll add an option into next version so the entries can be grouped and disabled as needed, as I'm sure you're not the first person who is banned from the .org (I get an IP block for a few hours everytime I access it through google.pl, for some unknown reason)

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@Tom: I'll try to not let it sound hard, but it's difficult ^^  Well, here my vision of your posting (might be wrong, but that's how it comes over the net):


You come, you take (program), you moan around that the program is worthless and is not functionning and you post 100 of text lines (instead of zipping it as attachment), we are trying to help again a person who didn't read, neither read his own log to understand whats going on, then suddently it works, not even a thank you back (where mine was ironic for closing your case, but looks like you didn't noticed it).


Well, again, we don't see you, we can't hear you, we can only read and interpret your doings, which looks wrong. Now again, my sentence in bold, because that's what comes over, not saying you are bad or anything like that, but for me it lacks of kinf of respect in the communications... hope you get what I mean. Now I'm sure in real world it wouldn't look like this, but.. this is the internet world ;-)


Never the less, if you have further problems, we will help you out with pleasure of course, but please, try to see what we are getting... it's not as it would be payware and are obliged to anything anyway. It's free, and first of all: it is far from being finished: it's in BETA, for test and constructive feedback of users, to clean out problems, not discover already existent and notified ones. We already talked about leaving this to more 'experts' than to every 'beginner', adding too much things to clear.


Hope it runs at your side now any way, and you're happy of what you get :-) You should also check out the problems still under investigation, cause there are still problems.


Thanks again for reading

Edited by blacky75
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Dear blacky75



You come, you take (program), you moan around that the program is worthless


Not to undermine your work, but it kinda is. That is if the program is dependant on third party library and not included it is as indicated useless.

Again, think happy thoughts when reading this, with all due respect of your contribution to our community i say this only to make a point on the usability not the quality so please bear with me.


If one cannot provide the neccesary files in order for the program to function 100% it must be fare to say it is not operating at 100%. When the product that it creates is

not usable in X-Plane (by that meaning it does not work or even crashes) would it not then be fare to say it is useless?


I have used programs like OSM2XP with great result and I was really looking forward to try this program out since all the picture shown was so exiting.

It does not bother me that one needs to have libraries installed in order to create a scenery, but it bothers me when all of these are not available for download.

That pretty much render out 1/3 of the possiblities of the program and therefore not as exiting as It could be (do you understand?)




I have now managed to get a hold of the FF library and will give it a fourth try for sure, hoping that it may be more performance friendly as OSM2XP never was.



I'll add an option into next version so the entries can be grouped and disabled as needed, as I'm sure you're not the first person who is banned from the .org (I get an IP block for a few hours everytime I access it through google.pl, for some unknown reason)


That may be the wisest decision so far, looking forward to it..

Edited by Tom Knudsen
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Dear blacky75



Not to undermine your work, but it kinda is. That is if the program is dependant on third party library and not included it is as indicated useless.

Again, think happy thoughts when reading this, with all due respect of your contribution to our community i say this only to make a point on the usability not the quality so please bear with me.


I'll close my eyes on the rest... but.... do you know that alot of sceneries are library dependend? I mean, it's nonesens what you say... Looks like you need a full all in one solution :-) It's a dream ;-)

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