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XP Scenery Generator [WIP]


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I see W2XP randomize the buildings way better than OSM2XP, but it also ads building that are not there IRL or in OSM2XP. But It does remove forrest where OSM2XP does not.


Did you generate Brussels yourself or download it?. If you're using the ones from Simheaven, then he enables smart exclusions, which lets the buildings below come through when there are no objects in the scenery (So you're seeing default objects). W2XP does not add buildings randomally, it only adds buildings which are there in OSM. I'd love to be proved wrong, so please show me which building, and the area in OSM.

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FYI, the forest that is there in OSM2XP and not in W2XP is a leisure=park tag. The default rules are different in this regard. W2XP will only surround the park with trees and not fill it, OSM2XP just fills it with trees. There is a good reason for this, and that's because in most cities, parks are correctly mapped, with the area having trees being tagged as such. So in this regards, W2XP is more accurate (Of course you can change it).


Again, I'll ask again, please tell me which building/buildings are not there in real life or OSM2XP but are there in W2XP. If this is the case, then it's a weird bug and needs fixing. But before reporting such things, you should check first.

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FYI, the forest that is there in OSM2XP and not in W2XP is a leisure=park tag. The default rules are different in this regard. W2XP will only surround the park with trees and not fill it, OSM2XP just fills it with trees. There is a good reason for this, and that's because in most cities, parks are correctly mapped, with the area having trees being tagged as such. So in this regards, W2XP is more accurate (Of course you can change it).


Again, I'll ask again, please tell me which building/buildings are not there in real life or OSM2XP but are there in W2XP. If this is the case, then it's a weird bug and needs fixing. But before reporting such things, you should check first.



This building is there irl, but far from a square, and it is misplaced which may be an openstreet map issue.



Here is the real picture, same angle. Notice the buildings behind is larger too



Misplaced buildings in W2XP, placed on the railroad tracks (filled in, not present in OSM2XP)



I could blame it on the program, but I rather think it is releated to Openstreetmap. I will try to do some error checking later on this day


PS.. Not out to prove a point, just having a nice warm disqussion on the topic, as this is a discussion forum, i hope LOL..




In that case, why don't you just use photoscenery with no objects or trees at all. Win all around, you'll get 100fps, and it will look fine above about 3000 feet


Cause I just hate those damn ugly things, but with better GEOTIFS, who knows!!!

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Thanks Tom.


That building is actually a facade, so it should match exactly the shape and layout of the building in OSM. So it will need to be fixed in OSM. Also, remember I don't have the HD Mesh installed, so the coastline is not accurate,which is why it appears to go into the water. Please do check though, as if it's actually rotated wrongly, then it's an incredibly strange bug and at first glance, wouldn't make much sense.


Also, just another point. The buildings we use from the R2 library aren't aligned to the (0,0,0) axis, some aren't even rotated at 0 degrees. So it's really difficult to place such buildings accurately. All the buildings in our own library are aligned to (0,0,0) and have no local rotation. I'm in the process of slowly replacing the R2 library buildings with our own more varied equivelants, and so far, the replaced buildings are much nicer aligned. The worse objects of all are the R2 industrial buildings, basically the bigger the building, the more likely it is to collide with the road or another building. This is an issue which will be fixed slowly over time as we slowly remove our dependency on external libraries. I could take the origin point into consideration when rotating, but this makes it inheritently difficult to use, and would require someone to measure each building, and choose an offset. Also, getting rid of external libraries is a good thing (as you well know ;))


Cause I just hate those damn ugly things, but with better GEOTIFS, who knows!!!


I don't like photoscenery by itself, and I hate it in Poland (it's very discoloured, and has striped bands, etc). But in the likes of Switzerland, Germany, and when used in combination with W2XP or OSM2XP, the accuracy and feel of reality can't be beaten IMO.

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Thanks Tony. I do think it will be usefull to have only one or two library installed, imo opensceneryx and your's. Less is actually better and it makes bug fixing and updating a less painful task. I am a fan of the plausible, but as mentioned before more fan of performance. Much can certainly be done on the facade side, but also in regards to texturing and polycount. Hight and shapes do play a part in performance and i do not think openstreetmap has a function to set such parameters? However it should do wonders to shapes and positions if one had better reference pictures to work with.

Edited by Tom Knudsen
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Much can certainly be done on the facade side, but also in regards to texturing and polycount. Hight and shapes do play a part in performance and i do not think openstreetmap has a function to set such parameters?


Well, I've experimented a lot with replacing objects with facades and vice versa. Objects win everytime. Facades are great, as long as you know what you're wrapping, the size of the roof, etc.. So far, both OSM2XP and W2XP have been using facades incorrectly. e.g. You can't create a sloped roof if the roof/building ratio is too big for the roof to meet at the top. Getting facades to look correct is possible, but would require lots of special types of facades being created. Much more is possible with the v10 standard, but nobody AFAIK can understand it. Also, it seems that the higher the facade the bigger the hit on the framerate.


In 0.4.0, all facades, forests are simplified, unnecessary points removed, short-edges removed. But, it has little impact on performance. Disabling them doubles my frame-rate, even in villages which have few facades.

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well, it really looks nice and I tried to download the lebelge scenery from the .org but the links are dead. Do you have another source?


Well, I got it... but he will kill me if I distribute it, this guy's crazy ^^ But good news, he will release a new release this summer... well, doesn't look as real as it get's (all too white and bright what anyway...), but at least the landmarks are there and it's good for VFR :-) Patience :-)

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Well, I got it... but he will kill me if I distribute it, this guy's crazy ^^ But good news, he will release a new release this summer... well, doesn't look as real as it get's (all too white and bright what anyway...), but at least the landmarks are there and it's good for VFR :-) Patience :-)

I see... :) I will be patient then ;)

Any idea why he doesn't want his old scenery to be further distributed?

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He got upset a day... somebody, me, asked him a question on a scenery he did... really nicely, trying to understand why this and why's that... and he was more awaiting things like:


no critics at all, not even constructive, just everybody must praise him and tell him hopw great he does sceneries and so on... well, a person who doesn't like to improve itself ^^ But as said, he keeps on going again, and reworks it all, don't know what happens to that guy ^^


Strange part is that this happens daily here and on all other forums I am... on the french, he just go berserk...

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How would the fotos have to be taken?


Basically following the below rules:


  • Taken in even light, i.e. not in direct sunlight, to eliminate shadows or discoloration.
  • Face on for 2 or more walls of the building (or sections of the walls). Angled shots are difficult to correct and use
  • Preferably free of obstructions such as people or parked cars, but this isn't always possible, so these are normally edited out
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Cool, Love more European additions..

Is there any way to replace some in opensceneryX too or XP default without having W2XP generated scenery installed?

Not without hand placing the object yourself. It could be added into autogen though, if someone is up to the challenge


i'am sure it will appear sooner or later in the 'Europe_Library'. ;)


Is it allowed to split the objects in various parts ?(canopy,fuel-pump,signs,building etc.)

This would make a integration in the default autogen much easier .

Only some additions to the library.txt  in the 'Europe_Library' then .

We can also patch the .ags to use the objects as a whole.

But i think there are also other good candidates in the world-objects-lib and it is time to replace the existing .ags at all and make some new AG-sets for our region.

Unfortunately , that takes some time .

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Is it allowed to split the objects in various parts ?(canopy,fuel-pump,signs,building etc.)


The object is a complete object as it's easier to place and match the footprint, however I still have the original blender files which have each part as a seperate object, i.e. the pumps, canopy and shop. Also, the object could be imported into blender easily enough and the relevant parts extracted out as separate obj files. 

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new coming houses (600+) with a more city-style-art are benig designed.... should go online within a few weeks :-) But, I'm dependend on the World2Xplane version. To fit the houses correctly I'll have to wait the next evolution of Tony's beta... not that those city-houses grow at Land ^^



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To fit the houses correctly I'll have to wait the next evolution of Tony's beta..


Just to clarify, the following 2 changes will be in 0.4.0 which enable this:


1) Building alignment to roads. World2XPlane will use nearby roads to determine which side of the building is the front and, presuming the "X" axis of the object contains the door, will place it with the door facing the street. Of course, if no suitable object is found, it will either use a rotated object, i.e. Wall to street, or a facade. But if an street-facing object is available, it will use that. The also works well in places like the UK with terraced houses, ensuring all houses face the street and aren't randomally rotated with one house showing a side wall and then next a door.


2) Objects respect height more and know how far they are from a city/town/suburb or village centre. Buildings in city centres without height information will automatically be made taller, and buildings in villages will be smaller, e.g. 1-2 stories. This is not exactly like in real-life, but it villages now look more like villages, and cities, cities.

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