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XP Scenery Generator [WIP]


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There's a strange road in the first screenshot (still to check OSM data) but I like the result a lot! 


Just wanted to add, if you aren't using the HD mesh from alpilotx, the roads are very out-of-date here and sometimes are missing, or go through buildings. I recommend you update to HD Mesh v2.  Without the mesh, you may see issues such as buildings in the middle of roads or trees, this is because the road is maybe from data 2-3 years old, where the building is using newer data, and the road has probably since been aligned correctly.

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My name is Stephen and after months of hoping for a logical upgrade to FSX through P3d v2 (which has been giving me nothing but trouble since it's update to 2.1) I decided to try out the latest version of XP this past weekend...and all I can say is, WOW...totally unexpected.

I had fiddled around with XP-9 (actually purchased the sim, installed then uninstalled) and the early release of XP-10 (same procedure), so I have to say that when I installed this latest version I wasn't expecting such a huge leap, but boy was I surprised. I've been spending the last few days flying around in XP and grinning from ear to ear and yelling to my wife, "Honey, you've got to see this!".

There are way to many things about this latest version of XP to go into in this reply (nor is this the place) as to why I've made the leap, but without a doubt I am now a believer. 

Having always used Flight Simulation as a way to see parts of the world that I would never ever see in real life, (learning how to fly really has been secondary), my interest in how the sim looks graphically, in regards to reality, has always been keen. I've even worked a bit with FS9 ground textures and introduced a small package called BirdsEyeView (which by the way is still actually selling) in order to enhance the level of immersion so this Topic and the tool that is being developed is of extreme interest to me and I would like to help in any way that I can. I have a bit of a learning curve in order to catch up to you guys, but I'm more than willing to put the time in and since I'm retired I've got plenty of it.

My interest would be in developing the United States, Canada and Central America. I could do just about anything (given the time to learn how...I'm a quick study), to include models of major buildings and landmarks as well as bridges. I could also provide the time and resource for compiling and processing to create files for distribution.

Rather than dart around trying to find the necessary learning materials, if there are some good reference materials and tutorials from which I can glean the information needed to become an active participant I would appreciate your input. And of course, as we all know, there is nothing like jumping in feet first, so I expect I'll be delving into this very quickly.


Finally, since I have all the major players in the same room, so to speak...I have a question regarding the drawing distance of objects. 

I've noticed that the objects/buildings being drawn to enhance the European areas using R2 and Europe Libraries (and to whatever extent OpenScenery), that many of these objects are not being drawn in any great distance from the aircraft, the opposite of objects being drawn when using XP default settings at max...which places these items miles from your current position within the sim making the view out the cockpit windows all the more real. My Windows PC has plenty of juice and since I'm not a real fan of pop ups, as it tends to draw away from the immersion...literally, is there a way to adjust the distance at which these items are drawn using a settings.txt or something like that? Please, if there is a way...let me know.

I've also brought this subject up, of drawing distance, because if the distance is controlled outside the end users capabilities or it's not easy for the end user to adjust the drawing distances, I would highly suggest that future development of models not limit the drawing distance, but rather let the end user control that distance within the XP interface. I just recently upgraded my GPU to a 780 ti and there is a lot of power there and I have discovered that I can render just about anything XP can throw at me and still fly at an acceptable frame rate. My point is to not limit future capabilities of end users machines since the capabilities of even the future lower priced GPUs will soon out-perform the current higher priced ones.


Final thoughts, I'm very happy that I've come across this topic and this group of people in my search to learn the ins and outs of XP's plausible world. I am already amazed at the huge sense of reality that comes when flying in the simulator as I have come across some scenery that literally has made my eyes go wide. The products that you folks have offered has made the immersion even more plausible and the development of the tool, which is the subject of this topic, will help to make it even that much better. I have noticed that there's a lot of work being done on aircrafts, airports, and the like, but it appears that there is only a handful of folks taking the time to develop scenery...so, again, whatever I can do, I'm here to help.

There is little doubt that with the proper tools, skills and efforts that XP will surpass even the best scenery being offered to those other folks...who are those guys again? :rolleyes:  AND...it will be in focus and remain in focus for miles and miles of enjoyable flying! 




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Hi Stephen


Welcome to the forum and thank you for your post. It's great that you are enjoying X-Plane. I'm one of those people who actually doesn't care too much about complex systems simulation and following long checklists to get an aircraft started, I actually just prefer to jump in a small GA aircraft and fly around looking out the window. I find it quite relaxing spending an hour flying around places using a VFR map and learning about the area or just enjoying the view. If I wanted all the systems and procedures simulations, I would get back into real flying :-).


This is the main reason I started this project, as I found that the default scenery is fine for the US, but looks really out of place in Europe or the rest of the world. That's not to say that the US also doesn't need more regional buildings, as the South looks like the North, etc.. 


I've noticed that the objects/buildings being drawn to enhance the European areas using R2 and Europe Libraries (and to whatever extent OpenScenery), that many of these objects are not being drawn in any great distance from the aircraft, the opposite of objects being drawn when using XP default settings at max...which places these items miles from your current position within the sim making the view out the cockpit windows all the more real. My Windows PC has plenty of juice and since I'm not a real fan of pop ups, as it tends to draw away from the immersion...literally, is there a way to adjust the distance at which these items are drawn using a settings.txt or something like that? Please, if there is a way...let me know.


Short answer is no. The objects/facades have the LOD (Level-of-Detail) settings built into them, so you'll notice that some buildings in the R2-Library popup as you get closer to them. The LOD distance inside facades can be changed, and there is a setting in my generator which will do this. But if you want to alter it per user, it's something that Laminar Research will need to do. I do completely agree with you, but on the opposite end of the scale, I want to reduce the draw distance for certain objects, and increase them for others.


Anyway, if you're willing to help, then there is plenty to do :-)


I'm not sure which type of scenery you'd like to contribute to, but if you want accurately placed models and buildings then firstly, I suggest you become familiar with OpenStreetMap (OSM) (www.openstreetmap.org). Find your local area and see what is mapped and what isn't. If the area is empty, then the scenery generated by my program will also be empty (unless autogen is enabled). The US is far behind Europe in terms of mapping, but it's changing everyday. Here are my suggestions:


  • Start mapping in OSM for a small area you'd like to see in the simulator (if it isn't already mapped). Add buildings, and more importantly also add landuse tags, forests, farmland etc. The more information added, the better the area will look. I spent half an hour a day mapping my entire district over the course of 3 months. It now looks incredible in X-Plane, and very realistic. I still contribute everyday, adding the odd forest, landuse or building. This is also another great way to discover places in your area you didn't even know existed :)
  • Once you have an area you've mapped, my application will use the data to create realistic scenery. However, the buildings probably won't look similar to what is in the area, so this is where 3D modelling comes into place. This is where you create reusable buildings that can be placed onto your mapped buildings on the map (or placed using autogen). The buildings should be region specific, so that once you leave the area/state, the buildings change. This IMO gives the best feel that you are actually flying somewhere.


For 3D modelling I suggest you start out using Sketchup which is incredibly easy to use and export to X-Plane. If you've done 3D models before, you'll have no problems using it or using the something more powerful and advanced such as blender. For Sketchup, there are lots of videos on Youtube and inside the application to get you started modelling houses. It took me a few hours to get used to the application (and I've never done 3D modelling before). Once you're familiar with creating houses. For modelling specifically for X-Plane, have a look here 


If you need any help or have any questions then just let me know. The application will be available soon, but up to this point, the 3D modelling has been very much concentrated in Europe.

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Stephen, if you like something like "ready-2-go", you can have a look at simheaven.com and download OSM sceneries for all continents, even photo sceneries for Northern America (see http://simheaven.com/?page_id=322 and search for "(USA)") or any other photo scenery in ZL16/ZL17 of Europe.


For adjusting visibility, you can edit any .obj or .fac file and search for "ATTR_LOD". The second value is the visibilty in meters. For the R2_library this is 8000, you can increase the LOD by changing e.g. "ATTR_LOD 0.000000 8000.000000" to "ATTR_LOD 0.000000 25000.000000", best do it with Notepad++, there you can change all entries with one click.

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Thanks Tony for the suggestions for getting started. I live in a little town in Central Oregon and have never thought the area has been given the attention that it's due in either simulator so that's where I'll begin. We have, what I would call an airfield village, where folks have their hangers attached to their homes like garages and since they just did a major update to the runway I'll delve into that as well. Also we have a beautiful mountain range with some very prominent peaks/volcanoes that could use some photo layers. 

As I move forward, I'd like to be able to stay in contact with you guys as well as others who can and are willing to provide timely assistance when needed. Is there a particular forum that you would recommend where the folks are asking intelligent questions and getting intelligent responses?

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Stephen, if you like something like "ready-2-go", you can have a look at simheaven.com and download OSM sceneries for all continents, even photo sceneries for Northern America (see http://simheaven.com/?page_id=322 and search for "(USA)") or any other photo scenery in ZL16/ZL17 of Europe.


For adjusting visibility, you can edit any .obj or .fac file and search for "ATTR_LOD". The second value is the visibilty in meters. For the R2_library this is 8000, you can increase the LOD by changing e.g. "ATTR_LOD 0.000000 8000.000000" to "ATTR_LOD 0.000000 25000.000000", best do it with Notepad++, there you can change all entries with one click.



Thanks for your help on that LOD. I was hoping that there was something that could be tweaked as there usually is. I've been delving into the shadow draw of the trees in XP to throw their distance out a bit as well, found the area to tweak, but I'm not really sure it's worth the effort as the DX10 or 11 draw is just to "wiggley" for my taste.


One of the first things I did was look for "ready-2-go" items that would enhance the overall appearance of XP and of course I came across SimHeaven and ALpilotX. It's the reason I'm really stoked that I found this topic and all of you scenery guys here in one place.


I am having problems with OSM-North America and not wanting to hi-jack this topic, is there a place I can properly ask question and make some observations? 

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Tony, I have done my first atlas for rural/village france region but I don't know how to upload to your repository.

I have my first building as well. Many will follow as the tedious part (texture) is done.

I have created an account on GitHub but maybe I need some right to upload file.


I attach the texture atlas in case someone wants to use or copy/paste some part.


Edited by Leporello
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I attach the texture atlas in case someone wants to use or copy/paste some part


Leporello, send me a PM with your git username and I'll give you commit rights so you can check in.




P.S. Absolutely fantastic textures, I can't wait to see these in X-Plane :-)

Edited by tonywob
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'Number of trees' is set to sparse. 


Hi Angelo, please check the area in OSM. I suspect there is farmland tagged next to the runway, or the entire airport is inside farmland or a natural park. If so, it can be fixed in OSM, by dragging an aeroway=aerodrome tag around the airport, or making an exclusion zone in WED. There is a rule which places trees around the perimeter of farmland, which I suspect is what is appearing here.


Tony, are those building in your Netherland shots actually OBJ or FAC.
I feel I need to start working with facades for village and town in Italy because usually they are mapped as big building in OSM and you cannot use single OBJ to render them.


Yes, I found the same thing in some places. Instead of individual houses, people have grouped them together, so the only way to render these is with a facade. The application also supports regional facades, so if you know how to create facades then please do. I'd recommend for small individual rectangular houses we use objects and for larger more complex shapes facades. I'm pretty sure facades can do much more than what is currently in the OSM2XP facades, just nobody knows how to make them :-).

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Yes, I found the same thing in some places. Instead of individual houses, people have grouped them together, so the only way to render these is with a facade. The application also supports regional facades, so if you know how to create facades then please do. I'd recommend for small individual rectangular houses we use objects and for larger more complex shapes facades. I'm pretty sure facades can do much more than what is currently in the OSM2XP facades, just nobody knows how to make them :-).


Am I right in saying that facade doesn't present the same feature as OBJ to be able to dig the basement into negative Y axis?

Northern Italy for example is quite hilly in some places and we badly need the trick of cellar below the natural 0,0,0 origin.

I seem to remember that, in the facade definition, vertex can either follow terrain or be set at the same level. The first setting would be great to avoid flying building but I don't have a clue about how texture reacts to this setting.

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They do support basements http://developer.x-plane.com/?article=x-plane-10-facade-fac-file-format-specification, although I found the specs quite hard to understand, maybe somebody who has experience creating facades can chip in. 

- for type 1 facades , 


this two links can help to understand the concept  :



A little bit outdated but the basics hasn't changed.

Also a look in the artwork shipped with XP can help.


- for type 2 facades :


Ben from LR  has released some Blender-scripts .

Not documented , but IMO the only way to create that kind of facades.




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A new experimental feature I've been working on is using 3D models instead of facades for bulidings inside OSM which have parts, textures, heights and colours. Previously, I used facades, but this caused some problems in that:
a) The facade can't be offset from the ground.
b. They flicker, so one facade inside another caused lots of ugly flickering and messiness
c) Styled roofs, e.g. Domes, Pyramids, etc.. All of which is available in OSM, but can't be done easily inside facades.
So I'm working on a new feature which will construct a real 3D model (X-Plane .obj file) for building parts inside OSM, and texture and colour them, and also apply lights. It's very early days, but the results are very promising:
This is again Berlin, but this time the landmark has much more detail and colour, is also has reflections. The texturing is a bit off, and is something I really need to work on. You can also see the Fernsehturm in the distance. You'll also notice that there are obstacle lights placed on top of the buildings, which also illuminate at night.

This is the centre of Warsaw in Poland, which has an impressive range of 3D buildings. You'll notice the arched roofs, and multiple building parts. Also (quite hard to see here), glass buildings reflect in the sunlight. There is an issue with the rotation of some of the buildings and textures I need to fix, but overall it looks better than facades.




There is still a long way to go before the generated scenery looks realistic, but creating 3D objects inside OSM is incredibly easy and is really taking off. I recommend everyone to have a look at OSM3D http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Simple_3D_Buildings, as the application will make use of everything possible. 


The only downside (and there always is a downside) is that it will hit frame rates. But currently, I'm not really optimising anything, e.g. Each building has its own texture, etc. So there is lots of work that can be done to clean it up. 


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Hi All,


This is my first post, but I've been a lurker for quite some time.  I am new X-plane user, and a recent convert from FSX.  Tony,  I am very impressed with your work so far, and one of my primary reasons for moving to X-plane is the potential for scenery creation, so your work is indeed inspiring!!


Some background on me that my help put this in context: I'm an architect by day, and I primarily work on huge airport projects, (terminals, air side and land side, etc), and as you can imagine I am very interested in all things aviation.  I initially looked at x-plane and a way to get our new airport layouts into a simulator to get a "pilots perspective"  We create incredible detailed models (bulding information models or BIM) as we design a terminal, and this model has to interface with air-side models of the ramps and taxiways.  Unfortunately I think our models are far too detailed to be brought directly into X-plane (we typically model down to the door knobs on doors), but I an investigating simplifying things so we can test our new taxi ways and gating plans, but I digress.....


The reason I am responding to this particular thread is that the firm I work for does a good deal of urban planning around the the world, and one of my jobs is...you guessed it,  to create massive city models with hundreds of thousands on buildings based our master-plan, which gives our clients a idea of what the new city could look like.  To do this I use many tools but the one i fall back on the most is CityEnginge. (http://www.esri.com/software/cityengine)  CityEngine allows me to script the procedural creation of buildings, based on what ever parameters I wish, it can dynamically create and update road networks, and regenerate 10's of thousands of buildings in minutes, if not seconds. It even reads OSM.  A single CGA (computer generated architecture) script, can generate all of the buuildings you see in the images attached.  If you don't like the results, hit a new random seed and the building regenerates.  As these are the VERY low-poly ones!  We can create highly detailed buildings, but that won't be helpful for x-plane. My goal is to help by generating buildings low poly enough for use in tony's tool.


HOWEVER, and this is big, so far I can make and export thousands of OBJ buildings with the proper origin and "basements" as required, BUT i am having major problems getting the UV's to work with a texture atlas that is required.  I've got good textures, but they are not on a sheet, etc.  I've looked at post processing in 3ds MAX, Maya, and Softimage and I can get close with a few scripts, but it's not exact and required some hand adjusting, not ideal if i want to process thousands of OBJ's. :blink:   IF anyone here is an expert on texturing in Max or Maya, (UVW unwrapping, etc) and could pass on a few tips, I'd greatly appreciate it.


In any event, I'll hand process a few so that we can add them to the collection here.  Looking forward to helping out!






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