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4WDing in a 2WD


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Let me tell the story about Tuffy (my starlet). The other afternoon I decided to take a couple of friends for a drive on a dirt road near Warragul, VIC. What a drive it was into unknown territory!

After traveling 15 or so kms up a dirt road we came to a this river crossing. There were quite a number of campers with bikes and big 4WDs there so we got out. After surveying the river and campsite for a bit, we decided to get back in the car and drive, well, I'll take the blame....I decided to drive through the river. In all fairness though, I thought there was a concrete pad at the crossing and that the water was running over it. Mistake 1.

So we start driving down the entry road and people just start turning out to stand on the bank and watch - one guy says, "I don't like your chances mate!" Another said, "Mate, I'll tow you out if you need it." I was wondering what on earth they were talking about. I'm still thinking about the concrete slab on the bottom and why in the world they were belittling my starlet by suggesting it couldn't even drive across a water covered concrete slab! So I continued down into the water....

...And to my shock, it was just the rocks of the riverbed underneath!!! My bad!

Oh well, we were committed now! So across we drove and boy, we only just got across...at times, the car was only just moving. Water nearly up to the bonnet.

After getting across, I said to my mates in the car, "So you can get through this way right?" They were like, "Uhm, no I don't think so..." GREAT!!!! hahaa

After driving up the road for a while we decided the only way home was to get back through the river we'd crossed. One of my mates and I had talked about a jump across the river earlier, but that was in reference to an MX bike, not a starlet...but the thought did cross my mind, I admit.

Well, no way out than going back across the river just the way we'd come. The photos I've included are on the return crossing. Half the camp turned out to watch.

So this time I decide we needed more speed....which quickly dissipated about half way across....where we couldn't go any further forward. So I quickly chucked it in reverse and then 1st again and got enough momentum to get past....needless to say, we got right back through! You should have seen the cheering! All the way up the camp site people had heard about it or seen it and were giving us the thumbs up as we drove out.

Just after us, three 4WDs drove through and one guy said, "It would have been pretty embarrassing if we got stuck!!!" Another guy was telling me that most guys with 4WDs really size it up before crossing....we just drove straight through....call it stupid or lucky...it was still a laugh from all sides!

BTW, one guy had a Mitsubishi Magna and tried to go through after us since we'd gotten through...and he got stuck and when they towed him out, he smashed the oil pan, or engine somewhere and oil was leaking out - he fried his engine..

Pics are linked here (sorry about the quality - just taken with mobile phone):






Kind Regards,


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