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The ding sound drives me nuts...

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With all my love for JS32 , there is one thing that literally drives me nuts..lol


It is not the joystick, nor axis assign... it a ding sound  I hear every few seconds, I looked everywhere I could, looked at the manual, no luck.


Every few seconds I hear ding, ding , ding.... Please help!


Thank you, cheers, AJ 



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I only get that sound when I first fire up XP with the Jetstream .... actually not sure what it is! Which is a bit sad really as this plane has become a REAL favourite of mine ... :blink:


I'll have another look when I get home tonight ...

Edited by Kris Pryo
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What is annoying to me is that it reproduces the sound when it is in replay (not in normal flight unless you burn the engines).. but is a normal sound.. nothing of programming behind.. so I guess is a planemaker or xplane issue.

Edited by Japo32
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.. and .. I get the bell sound when I press reverse thrust (I have it assigned as a button in x-plane) ... do you have a key assigned to reverse thrust mapped to your joystick that could be interfering with the JS32?


Actually you're supposed to map a key to reverse_thrust_hold for the Jetstream ... and that'll ring the bell each time it's applied

Edited by Kris Pryo
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Hi AJ,


The ultimate solution... look in the aircraft sound resource folder to find the offending «ding» sound. Then replace it with a silence one using the same filename (assuming you have a sound editor software).




But that would completely remove the sound from the plane, so you couldn't hear it when you applied reverse thrust.

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I definitely would like to hear the plane sounds. Thank you for the suggestion of editing the sound file but I am not good enough to try without  risk of messing things up.


Does LR know about it? If they do, they will not respond anyway..lol,lol


I just wished it was a way. Cheers, AJ 

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There should be no ding-dong sound when applied the reversers.


Hi Javier I know this sounds presumptious of me (because you created the JS32) but, the Fire Warning sound is a ringing sound not a single "ding". The sound that happens when you first apply continuous reverse thrust is a single "ding" ...


It's definitely not a "problem" for me as I hear it twice each time I fly the JS32. Once when I initialise the plane and the second time when I land and apply continuous reverse thrust.


I think that AJ's issue might be something different, or it could be that he's got a key mapped that could be momentarily placing the continuous reverse thrust on ... this is plausible because it's an X-Plane key assignment setting.


So for example if AJ had assigned the "B" key to continuous_reverse_thrust and he also has it for a plugin admin key (say he set it for PilotView for instance), he could be getting the ding sound quite frequently. I still think AJ has a conflict thingy happening.



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Hey AL ... you're misunderstanding what I'm trying to say :).


I reckon it's ONLY happening for you in the JS32 because it's sound set is unique to itself (other planes don't have that function mapped to a 'ding' sound). However, it still uses the universal command keys from X-Plane. So something you're doing is invoking the generic X-Plane key command that co-incidentally also invokes whatever causes the "ding" to happen in the JS32.


I'd check my key settings in X-Plane .. specifically the continuous_reverse_thrust key mapping for starters and work back from there.

Edited by Kris Pryo
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OK, another hint, when that crazy ding sounds starts I ALSO get the "LOW OIL" red warning button lit for few seconds and then is not lit anymore until the next ding.


So, the ding is associated with low oil pressure, now what can I do? Any ideas, please?


Or it will ding until I start engines because the oil pressure is low? That would make sense.


Any way to disactivate it?



Cheers, AJ 

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Hi Aj,

Sometimes X-Plane 10 and some addon aircraft can get a bit confused if you don't go Aircraft, Open Aircraft (the default where X-Plane "spawns" the aircraft at the current airport on the "default start location").

Or if you then try and reposition the aircraft to say gate 12, or cargo ramp or Rwy 27 etc. or use any other method to "load an aircraft". The initial setting of the aircraft/X-Plane may be different (hense you may see lights flash or hear "warning dings" etc. The same sort of "mixed up settings" occours when you try selecting "Replay mode" on some addons. :(

So try loading X-Plane 10, go Aircaft, Open Aircraft and see if you get your "The ding sound drives me nuts...". :)

If it's not that causing your problem, try:

1. As a quick and dirty work-around, you could just back up the "ding" sould file, edit it to reduce it's volume by say 80% so it dosn't anoy so much. :D


2. Backup and then reset your X-Plane preferences, in case something in the settings have become corrupted (as per Kris Pryo's great post's above).


Edited by cessna729
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Hi Cessn729.  :D


Thank you for the hints. 


I have tried Aircraft/Open Aircraft... no luck.


Tonight I will just try to lover the volume if the ding by editing the  associated sound file.


Since it is related to low oil pressure ( every time the ding visits me, the annunciation panel shows red light with that message for few seconds) , it probably should be BUT, I should hear NOTHING when my battery master switch is off, right?


Nope, my friend "Ding" can bypass that to..lol,lol


Cheers, AJ 

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Hi AJ, is this the "ding" you have problems with?

I think it's X-Plane 10\Aircraft\X-Aviation\BAe Jetstream 32\sounds\CUSTOM\Warning.wav, I only hear it once on initial Load of the JS-32. All switches in OFF position.

If your "ding" with your batt master OFF happens every few secs, you problem may be something else :o


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Shameless plug I know but.....

If you go through my checklist videos you shouldn't have any of the switches in a position that would leave the aircraft "dinging" at you.

I know of what you speak, having sat there for hours on end whilst in between different processes to create the checklists! :)

Hope it helps.



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Hi AJ, is this the "ding" you have problems with?


I think it's X-Plane 10\Aircraft\X-Aviation\BAe Jetstream 32\sounds\CUSTOM\Warning.wav, I only hear it once on initial Load of the JS-32. All switches in OFF position.

If your "ding" with your batt master OFF happens every few secs, you problem may be something else :o



 Hi Cessna729, nope, that ding is a "normal" one. Later I have dings with master batt switch off. :-(

Edited by arb65912
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Shameless plug I know but.....

If you go through my checklist videos you shouldn't have any of the switches in a position that would leave the aircraft "dinging" at you.

I know of what you speak, having sat there for hours on end whilst in between different processes to create the checklists! :)

Hope it helps.




Hi Jimbo,  


I will try the startup by the list but not always I want to spend 15 minutes on that . :-)   


I will post here when I investigate more. 

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