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FSEconomy ... X-Pilot people?


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I've just completed my first few hours of flying FSEconomy ... it's an absolute BLAST!

The only issue is that you're stuck with not flying your favourite aircraft if there isn't one available for rent .

Yesterday I found it impossible to find a rentable JS32 for instance ... very frustrating, but the upside is that my virtual bank account now has over $8000.00 ... so as I banked my earnings a cunning plan began to formulate ... is there anyone on this forum who are non-affiliated who would like to form a co-operative in order to maximise earnings and increase our buying power to own the various aircraft that we enjoy flying the most?

I don't know if there's an FSE advantage to starting a formal group, or if a loosely knit group is the best ... but eventually I suspect that we'll want some sort of formal group going ...


The aircraft I like to fly are in no particular order of preference;

  • Moo (rented it once!)
  • JS32
  • C90B (easy to get this one)
  • C208
  • QDash
  • 727

and of course when the SAAB comes out I'll want to fly here as well, but as I said, it's difficult to fly a working combination of aircarft, assignment and location ... so who's interested?



Edited by Kris Pryo
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I'm more of an independent operator out in FSEconomy (*and not looking for group membership) but I've been an FSE'er for years and years.  "Hub" flying is often a good way to make some money - finding an airport with jobs which regularly replenish themselves and filling your airplane up for a good efficient flight. Often times, "hub" flying helps support less economical trips, like a sightseeing trip around the world...


A year or two ago I took a Pilatus PC-12 on an around-the-world flight via FSEconomy... and to spice it up I went the polar route... From the equator flying north up through North America, over the north pole and then south through Asia down to Australia, over Antarctica and back up via Cape Horn in South America to find the same airport I started at. Not your standard east-west/west-east around the world flight! (*All done within the confines of FSEconomy!)


Predominantly flying my Dash-8 Q400 via FSX, and just recently acquired the DC-3 via X-Plane out of Providence, Rhode Island KPVD (USA).  The Dash-8 fits my flying style perfectly, but I was not using X-Plane 10 at ALL so I bought my first and only payware aircraft and I'm using it for short jaunts in the New England area on occasion. If you ever make it up that way, stop in and say hi. And be sure to frequent the FSEconomy user forums - LOTS of great users fostering a good community.



Edited by greggerm
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Oh yeah...


Yesterday I found it impossible to find a rentable JS32 for instance ...


Not all aircraft available in the simulation world are actually available to fly in FSEconomy.


To see a list of the aircraft which are usable in FSE, visit "Home > Aircraft Configs"... this will give you a list of all the aircraft types which are actually in FSEconomy. (The Jetstream 41 is available, but the 32 is not)


You can also use the "Airports" page's "Airports which have this aircraft" search option. From the pulldown list, you can select an airframe type and it will pop up a list of airports which have that airplane onsite... even better, check off the "rentable" checkbox before you search to only return results of actual rentable airplanes.






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My advice is take your time, renting smaller aircraft at first, and figuring out how to maximize profit while balancing rental costs.  Then, move progressively, into larger aircraft, doing the same thing.


Eventually you will be more than able to realize when it is a good idea, or a bad idea to rent larger aircraft based on assignments you have found.


If you want to get into a group, find an existing group out there, that looks like it might be interesting to you, and join up, or ask for an invitation to join.  Of course, a portion of every flight's revenue will go back to the company to pay for expenses, so this is sometimes not the best way to make money.


When I first started, I freelanced, and I made decent money.  Later, I got together with a fellow X-Plane user (who had been in FSE much longer than I had), and I flew some of his aircraft around, making money for his group and myself.


Eventually, I had enough money to get a loan downpayment on a Grumman Goose, and I went from there.  I personally recommend buying your first aircraft when you actually have enough money to buy something "useful".  I bought a Goose, some people buy C185's, others will buy C208's, Beech 18's, etc.  Just make sure your first bird is something that you can make money with.  There is no point in buying a C152, in my humble opinion, because you can't make good money with them, and the same goes for other two or three seat aircraft...


At the same time, I recommend taking it slow, ignore what everyone else out there has, and make sure your having fun.  If you start chasing the money, your going to burn out, and you'll start to hate the game...


If you want to fly the Jetstream, rent a JS-31.

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Check out http://www.fseforums.com/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=81124&posts=1&start=1 regarding the BRA Aircraft Cooperative.  This may be just what you're looking for.  Also, like woweezowee said, you change the alias for the JS32 to map to the JS31.  The JS32 is the same aircraft with a more powerful engine.  Simply enter "British Aerospace JS31" from the plugin.  Now you can fly the JS32.

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