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Boeing 767-300ER GE AWL

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Hello people,


I've just patched the 767-300ER GE AWL because michael chang's patch does not work to fix the throttle. I've fixed it by opening it up in x-plane 9's planemaker and changing the engine values as michael demonstrated, and i also got the new objects and the 767_flame.png.


I've did a takeoff on VHHH, followed OCEAN 2A departure and did a hold and followed Domel 2 RNAV STAR into runway 25R. No apparent problems at all. The whole flight was flown by hand and I've really felt the realism of the flightmodel, the 767 is described by pilots as "too easy to handle". It is! Handling on landing is amazing as long as you get rid of the slung load weight, since it will make the aircraft incredibly nose HEAVY!!!


I've approached LKC VOR on R-375, and I switched by NAV1 frequency to the ILS DME frequency of runway 25R. I tested out the autopilot at this stage, I pressed LOC to lock on to the Localizer and it did it with no apparent issues. At 3500 feet and localizer established, I've armed APP. I was 15 DME out of 25R.


At 8DME, it was GS captured and then here goes! Gear down, flaps 20.


My final approach speed was 138KIAS with a pitch up angle of 2 degrees.


I flared at 20 feet and smoothly closed the throttles, eyes fixed at the end of the runway and I flare with perfection... A smooth touchdown..


Little issues:

When I turn on the F/D, where are the F/D bars?

when i switch from speed to MACH, it just goes 0.00.


To solve the MACH speed bug, just follow the controlled cruise charts on the manual.


Final verdict:

Beautiful plane to fly, brilliantly made and very accurate cockpit layout. Very realistic flightmodel and very easy to fly.



well done!

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