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X-Aviation on Windows 8


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The X-Aviation site does not work properly on Windows 8. The pop-up that shows screenshots of the aircraft/scenery does not work at all. On the side panel with the links to your Facebook, Twitter, etc.; you can't click on the e-mail button because the Internet Explorer back button is in the way. More and more people will be getting Windows 8, so I think this needs to be changed soon.




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Me to works fine check your settings and yes people are using windows 8 I love it . Performance was actually better with Xplane 10 . Cant see what all the whining is about the start menu . I never really did use it . The only thing that bugs me is that all non app programs still open up in the desktop I say kill the desktop its useless windows explorer does not need to be running while running while programs are running shut it down in with the task manager and see for yourself . There are those that want to live in the past not me though , but than again my system should not run at all if you listen to all the Nvidia and Intel fan boys . I run windows 8 with with an AMD Phenom II  X6 and a HD7870 graphics card and we all know that AMD does not do OpenGL very well . I guess that's why only average  I average 25 to 30 FPS with settings almost maxed out :huh:

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The pop-up that shows screenshots of the aircraft/scenery does not work at all.

Requires flash.

On the side panel with the links to your Facebook, Twitter, etc.; you can't click on the e-mail button because the Internet Explorer back button is in the way.

Sounds like a funky sizing issue on your end.

Just tested over here...all works.

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..people are using windows 8 I love it . Performance was actually better with Xplane 10 . Cant see what all the whining is about the start menu . I never really did use it .


This, this and this!


Bounced up to Windows 8 after seeing it on my wife's new laptop. (*Got it for the $15 upgrade deal, so it was a no-brainer purchase - even if it was going to sit on the shelf for a year or two). After a little trepidation about changing to it and the fears of the start menu screen, I jumped in for the heck of it... and for great justice!




* I've never had a computer boot up this fast. EVER.


Honestly, I have no need for sleep mode anymore. Bootup (and shutdown) are so absurdly fast, the BIOS check takes longer than the OS boot. It is impressive. It took a day or two for it to get this quick - I think the OS has some logic which learns what it needs to do to speed things up, and once that's set, you're rocketing away.


*Overall performance is noticeably better, and that comes from a frequent re-loader of OS's who likes to keep things fresh.

You get the feel that this is an improved Windows 7. I'd hasten to say that the change from Win7->Win8 is more dramatic than the change from Vista->Win7. Everything is snappy, quick, and performs quite well. From FSX and X-Plane, to Train Simulator and Team Fortress 2 - entertainment titles all feel smoother. Desktop apps scream.


On top of that, for the tinkerer like me, Win8 has the ability to do an almost fresh install (*refresh OS and keep apps/docs), or a fully fresh reinstall (*clear everything) built right into the OS itself. No re-registering/activating. Click - wait - done.

*Simple UI tweaks like not having to confirm every delete, and the "fixed" file folder move/overwrite warning messages make things nice.

Microsoft listened and finally cleaned up its act on some of the UI annoyances plaguing earlier versions. Delete a file, and it's deleted (to recycle bin) - no more confirming. Move a folder, and it moves with a simple "Do you wish to overwrite" message when appropriate... no more 15 step confirmation process to make it happen. Not using the file explorer's ribbon layout yet, but it seems promising too.

*System management is easy.


Right-click on the start pop-up icon (lower left corner) and get all the most important control panel items at your immediate disposal. Drivers for most components are inherent to Win8. The multi-monitor capabilities are vastly improved. It's Windows system management the way you always wished it would be.


*Ultimately, the start menu launching pad is really secondary to the operation of the system. Do not be afraid that your way of life needs to change.


While you will start your computing session every day at the infamous "start screen", simply spend a few minutes after your computer is all reinstalled to tailor it to your needs. I put all my most frequently used apps in a primary location, and I hit one of the icons to launch it on the desktop. I rarely, if ever, return to the start screen during my session. If I do, what I need is right in front of me and it's actually less time consuming than burrowing through a few levels of old start menu trees.


I've kept the weather MetroUI live tile front and center on the start screen to get a read on what it's like outside when I turn on the computer in the morning, but I relegated all the rest of the Metro UI style apps to the farthest corner of the start menu - waaaaay down to the right and out of sight. I don't use any of them, you don't have to use any of them, and they're only useful to some types of computer users anyway. You can even uninstall them outright if you want.


All the chatter and press about Win8 surrounds this start menu screen and the MetroUI apps. They really are meant for touchscreen and tablets, so simply ignore them and you'll suddenly discover that Windows 8 is a completely viable, completely functional, no compromises operating system for a modern computer.




*MetroUI apps are pretty, but kludgy for mouse users.


While stylish, the fullscreen MetroUI apps are really oriented towards touchscreen devices and tablets, and are not intuitive for desktop use. Some of them are quite interesting (the photo browser, readers, etc)... and others are GREAT if you have kids in the house, but for "geeks" like us who prefer the desktop over iPhone-oriented ease of use, the MetroUI is more novelty than functional. Thankfully, you are not at all required to use the MetroUI apps - just stuff them in a corner (or uninstall them entirely) and move on with using your computer as you always have!


...umm, that's it! No more cons!


Back on topic - I just took a look at the X-Aviation site on Win8's IE10, and it seemed to work fine. (*I'm a Firefox user by default, so everything works fine under normal circumstances!)



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How can someone use Windows 8 without the desktop-version? At least on a normal PC

With a mouse But if you want to get fancy buy a windows 8 approved touch pad keyboard Im not sure why so many people figure that you need a touch screen . even if my monitor was touch I would kick ass on any one who dared put there grubby fingers on it
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Thats what I wanted to say, I hate to stand up and touch my 42" LED :) I only see the new UI on startup, then i am on desktop mode :)

You can navigate the metro screen with the mouse just as you would the desktop Just mouse over and click the metro screen shortcuts or apps is not a new magical interface its the new start menu and its different than what we are use to so we just have to get use to it that's all the desk top is know an app the only beef I have is that when you click on a shortcut on the metro screen for say Xplane 10 it starts the desktop also which is totally unnecessary .
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