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When the speed is your friend...

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Hello again. :)


Below is the discovery that took me most of the Christmas Day and I do not regret spending this time.


I was taking off from KOKC climbing to 3000 and flying South, then I would turn around and intercept localizer as published per ILS or LOC RWY35R Approach Plate for KOKC.


Ceiling was 1882, visibility 8.6 SM wind 344 at 17 gusts 2 small turbulence.


Pictures are self explanatory but I just wanted to point out 3 things.


1. I had all ant and de icing equipment on


2. I have gear overspeed note since it happened on the first "successful" approach and I did not restart the plane, just continued 2 more times after the full stop.


3. The most important part, I was flying maximum allowed ( which Javier said that there is not really good reference for and Cessna729 provided some V speeds) speeds allowed by X-plane settings for not ripping control surfaces off.


As you can see , with 2 notch of flaps and gear down I was flying around 170 KIAS.


That was the "trick" that let me successfully fly the approach and land.


I hope my post did not put any misleading information on how to fly properly JS32.


I just posted it hoping that others might learn from my experience.


Javier and Cameron, once again, thank you for an excellent job on that plane.


Cheers, AJ  ;)








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For reference with the real aircraft.... Speed limits for the flaps on the JS32 are:


10 - 170kts

20 - 160kts

35 - 150kts


And max gear extension speed is 160kts. If icing is suspected, use max flaps 20 and increase Vref with about 10 knots. This should normally work out quite nicely in the real thing, so you can give it a shot in X-Plane. The 130-140kts that cruster mentions is more in line with my experience. You should see between 35% and 40% torque (again, in the real aircraft).


I've been kinda turned off by this addon. Basically because I want it to be as real as possible (within the limits of the sim), while the developer point of view does not seem to match that desire. And since I would have to purchase both X-Plane and this addon (and neither have refunds as far as I can tell).... It's kind of a big investment for an addon that might not match my expectations :P.


I hope you guys don't mind my constant references to the real aircraft, let me know if it's too much. I don't want to come off as a random guy showing off what he knows... I'm just interested in your experiences and how it compares to mine in the aircraft.

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Cruster, I understand but what was your weather like the one I described?


Flying at no icing conditions so far was very easy, the ice made a drastic difference, that is why I posted.


Cheers, AJ 


Intrance, my post was related to the JS32 modeled, not a real one.


I like all comments be it referencing to a model or real plane but others might not like it.


Thank you for response.


Cheers, AJ 

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I've been kinda turned off by this addon. Basically because I want it to be as real as possible (within the limits of the sim), while the developer point of view does not seem to match that desire. And since I would have to purchase both X-Plane and this addon (and neither have refunds as far as I can tell).... It's kind of a big investment for an addon that might not match my expectations :P.

I hope you guys don't mind my constant references to the real aircraft, let me know if it's too much. I don't want to come off as a random guy showing off what he knows... I'm just interested in your experiences and how it compares to mine in the aircraft.

I don't mind, though you should probably reserve your negative comments until you actually fly it. This is not because I am bias, but because you do not KNOW until you've tried it. At that point you have full reign to speak out to your hearts desire.

Given the multiple real pilots like yourself who assisted on this product, I believe you're being more critical than necessary...all without even touching the product.

Don't knock it till you try it. That's all I gotta say (X-Plane has a demo mode you can try it with to save you the majority of cost). Until then, thanks for being respectful and mindful that you are pre-judging.

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I've been kinda turned off by this addon. Basically because I want it to be as real as possible (within the limits of the sim), while the developer point of view does not seem to match that desire. And since I would have to purchase both X-Plane and this addon (and neither have refunds as far as I can tell).... It's kind of a big investment for an addon that might not match my expectations :P.


In my observation, Javier's response to ideas has been exemplary (in the past) and I'm sure that a properly tailored discussion would be well received. 

But your words will definitely have more weight if you take the plunge and buy/try it as you'll then be in the position to provide a coherent critique based on experience of both real world and  the sim world resulting in a spin-off benefit for X-Plane, the developer and the community.

You must be sitting on the fence already if you're frequenting these forums  ;) .

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I don't mind, though you should probably reserve your negative comments until you actually fly it. This is not because I am bias, but because you do not KNOW until you've tried it. At that point you have full reign to speak out to your hearts desire.

Given the multiple real pilots like yourself who assisted on this product, I believe you're being more critical than necessary...all without even touching the product.

Don't knock it till you try it. That's all I gotta say (X-Plane has a demo mode you can try it with to save you the majority of cost). Until then, thanks for being respectful and mindful that you are pre-judging.


Ah, I was not aware that addons would work in the demo mode of X-Plane (that's what you get for being an X-Plane noob). That would make it less of a costly affair to check it myself :). I'll go download the demo then.


Apologies to Javier as well if I came off too critical, I really respect the job he has done. It's probably not the first thing you want to hear in the first week after release, me coming around and basically saying this is wrong and that's wrong :P. For me it was just trying to determine what I could expect.


But I fear I have kind of derailed this topic :).

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But I fear I have kind of derailed this topic :).

As long as we're off the rails, I'm curious about something in the real airplane. What sort of fuel flow/consumption do you typically see at cruise?

To answer the OP's question to me: No, I have not landed in icing conditions. I'm flying in northern Africa, currently, as I ferry my JS32 back to the US (this is driven by FSE). Not a lot of ice around these parts. :D

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Hi Cruster, you should try to fly JS32 in icing conditions, totally new experience. Getting really addicted to that plane..lol Cheers, AJ

Considering I need to get my JS32 back to Michigan, and the weather around these parts is generally crappy from here until May, I'm sure I'll wind up with icing at some point. As it is, I really have my hands full trying to keep it aloft when it's loaded up near the useful limit (hauling FSE passengers and cargo from point to point).

Lightly loaded I can get 2000 FPM climb without any difficulty. With a dozen pax and a couple hundred kilos of cargo, I'm lucky to get 1000 FPM out of her. I don't know if the real plane is as sensitive to load as the sim is (I like to think so, but what do I know?), but it was quite a learning experience for me!

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