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Michael Chang's 767-400ER. LOVE IT


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The moment i clicked on the download button, I knew something big is gonna happen. When I climbed out, I knew this aircraft is phenomenal. The wing flex and exterior details are one-of-a-kind, the flex is smooth and with no jolts, nice and natural. The cockpit has only 1 fault, it should say BOEING 767 instead of BOEING 777. Some say the cockpit is the 777s, but they are proved wrong because the overheads on the 777 is different and the 767-400ER still uses the same old 767s.

I only have 2 problems, on approach with high weights, the pitch is nearly non responsive! The LNAV does not work, i ended up tracking flight plan with HDG SEL.

Other than that, this aircraft is brilliant!

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thanks :D anyway, just remember, typically, your responsiveness will be corelated to whether or not you have your Yaw Damper turned on. If you download the latest version here at x-pilot, you'll see that it actually has teh 767's OH panel

as for the nav, you've actually pointed out a legitimate bug, i'll fix that soon

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On 2/6/2020 at 1:18 AM, marpilot said:

Very old - I don't think so.


On 2/5/2020 at 10:44 PM, safvan123 said:

Will it work on plane 11

yes it can 

first get xplane 10 demo

then open plane maker and make sure you have the 767 in any aircraft folder 

now pull up the 767 on the top of your screen you should get a special option category and locate convert aircraft to latest format..... ya know what just what just watch this:



On 2/5/2020 at 10:44 PM, safvan123 said:



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