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How do you fly?


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When you open up X-Plane, what do you do? Get online? Pick a random plane and airport and start poking around? Look up a real flight and replicate it in X-Plane?

Personally, I use Flight Aware to find a real flight and then replicate the aircraft and airline in X-Plane. If I don't have scenery for the airport or the correct plane, I'll find a different flight. If I just need the livery, I'll usually end up doing a quick one myself. I generally don't take the time to use the same route, altitude, or speed, but I do occasionally, especially on shorter flights. I also chain all my flights together, A to B, B to C, C to D, D to E, and so on. Since I started tracking and recording about a year ago, I've made over 200 flights using the system and logged over 700 hours. Not like that means much, thanks to autopilot, but oh well.

I also like to have some fun though, so I'll occasionally go mess around in a fighter jet or a car (it's more fun than your would think, I guarantee).

So, how do you fly?

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I only fly in Norway (except from a few trips now and then from the scenery I'm developing, LEMU in Spain) and then I just fly VFR. Doesn't matter what size the aircraft is - VFR is the way I go. I'm not a hardcore simmer - I just enjoy the view.

This means, I only fly propeller planes, with either one or two engines. But the CRJ and Hawker might change my way of utilizing XP :)

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As of now, the only place I ever fly is within Alberta. (Thanks to the Canadian Rockies scenery) I mainly practice in the sim what I learn in flight school. I try to do it as many times as I can to get the general idea drilled into my head.

I find however, I can't quite fly in X-Plane as good as I can in real life.  :-\

Occasionally I take a medium-heavy and do some regional flights.

Particular favourites are the DA-42, Mu-2, Default Cessna 172, and the SeaMax.


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