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Opinions on the Avro Arrow


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So just now it was announced that the avro arrow may be revived and turned into a modern fighter as a cheaper solution to the current F-35 stealth fighter planes. According to the article, the Avro would be able to out-perform the F35 in several ways. As a proud Canadian, it would be great to see this legendary bird fly again, but i'm really interested in what the rest of you have to say about this project!


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Not even a hope in hell of that happening.

Why, because it was rejected months ago by the Federal Government.

While it is a nice thought, it isn't exactly the most practical design for the modern era. The reason being, if Canada wants a purely supersonic interceptor - with no other missions in mind, the CF-105, is a good choice. But, Canada is a NATO and NORAD member, so were destined to be slinging bombs, and other garbage around, making the Super Hornet a good choice. The F-35 is a pariah, and a waste...

Besides the fact that the Arrow is over 50 years old, if production needed to be put into effect, you would need to get CAD and what not up and running, and the fact is there is a good deal of information out there so it could be done. Of course, with the way technology has evolved, you could get a very good fighter, with FBW, FADEC, etc...

I'd be all for seeing a Mk.3 Arrow with the Iroquois engines. We can dream...

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Even if the Arrow was superior to all other jets in the fifties (which was never proofed in reality) it would be unsuited for modern times. If they have to modernise it, they have to redesign the whole package to match it with the modern competitors. Yes Phantoms and Sovjet aircraft from the sixties are still used by modern air forces, but more as reserve or for simple missions (most air superiority fighters of that time are used nowadays as bomb carriers). Although I don't have trust in the JSF program and would like to see a new competitor arise, I doubt it will be an Arrow...

But yes, we need a very detailed Arrow in X-plane, to check whether it was the best fighter of that time!

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I'm all for FA-18E/Fs and perhaps some Growlers (we can dream can't we). Similar aircraft to our FA-18As with two-engines for the arctic (yes I do know that the F135 engine is reliable but it is the arctic, stuff happens...) and it CAN ACTUALLY BE REFUELLED BY OUR CC-150Ts instead of the F-35 which cannot. And with the money saved go buy 20 C-27s to replace the Buffaloes. :wub:

However I do think it is a crying shame it wasn't developed and we got the voodoo. O well, these things happen...

Edited by Orcair
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  • 3 months later...

While the Rafale is a beautiful fighter, only 101 have been built, which makes spares more expensive. As well, the F/A-18E/F is currently cheaper by flyaway costs, as well as Canada already having similar maintenance regimes, simulators etc for the F/A-18A which would make it easier to transfer all the support to an aircraft that is based on what we already have. As well, we can purchase the F-35 when it matures and wire the F/A-18Fs as E/A-18Gs allowing us to have further electronic warfare capabilities. It is also important to note that the U.S. Armed Forces operate the F/A-18 Super Hornet making it easier for Canada to train and support the Super Hornets.

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I say NO to the F-35 (which is a peice of crap IMO) and YES to the Rafale!

How can you call one of the most advanced fighters out there a piece of crap? More countries have ordered the F-35 than the rafale. just because you don't like the "exterior styling" or something like that,  doesn't mean it isn't good. The F-35 is like the harrier, but better.

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How can you call one of the most advanced fighters out there a piece of crap? More countries have ordered the F-35 than the rafale. just because you don't like the "exterior styling" or something like that,  doesn't mean it isn't good. The F-35 is like the harrier, but better.

That is your opinion, I have mine.


And its not the "exterior styling" that I don't like...

Edited by Erik Winter
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Just because countries have ordered something, does not mean that they will actually purchase them.


Besides, the Rafael was never really produced as an export fighter, but Dassault would likely be more than willing to make a batch up for anyone to purchase...


As for the F-35, it's not the right aircraft for Canada, actually it's not really right for anyone, because from the start it has been an airframe with too many goals to meet, so too many compromises have had to be made.  


To make it stealth, you can't have any external hard points (low payload capacity due to a small internal bay).  


Avionics wizardry trying to do too many things at once has caused numerous cases of severe pilot disorientation.


Single engine, which is fine if your not going to operate over vast tracks of tundra, is not fine for Canada.  We all know, and the top brass in the RCAF knows, that having two engines has been a life saver many times over for Canadian pilots flying the venerable Hornet.  Besides that, even with the most advanced jet engines, they will still fail.  This is not like flying a single engine passenger aircraft around, these are fighter aircraft that are designed to get beat up on a regular basis on training flights, simulated combat, etc, which puts a huge strain on all components, but especially engine components.  When your single engine conks out over Hudson's Bay, or over Baffin Island, your well and truly SOL.


The best option for Canada is to go to Boeing, and order 65+ Super Hornets.  You will then have maintenance, training, and weapons commonality, which will be a huge asset for training existing pilots.  Whereas with the F-35, every Hornet pilot in Canada is essentially going back to flight school...


Second best bet, is the Eurofighter Typhoon, because, it is a twin, but also because it is still in production, thus your more likely to get a deal, but it will be expensive none the less...


The other option, is to ignore what the US has been telling Canadian's since the 1950's, and tell everyone to screw off, and design, build, and maintain our own fleet of Canadian designed and built aircraft.  Canada has the capability to do this, we just need to gear up our industry, and by going purely Canadian, we can ensure we get the very best aircraft, and you can contribute to keeping the costs down, supporting local industries, growing the economy, etc...

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