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Lines and details

Jordan P.

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so for my united livery i was a bit confused because i was told to do this:


For making bolts and rivets showing in a paint ,use a layered texturefile.

When you have a white plane just showing rivets and lines, open that file in a program like Photoshop (pay) or Gimp(free)

Go to the checkbox "layers" and add a layer.

Paint on this layer the colors you want.

NOW all rivets and lines are invisible BUT if you go to the "layer-properties" and set this layer in the "multiply" mode all rivets and lines will show up again , but now in the color of your choice.

This is the way it has to be done.

There are more "layer-properties" than multiply alone with all sorts of effects , just take multiply for a start.

Search for some tutorials on the internet about "painting with layers" there are dozens of them.


Leen de Jager"

OKay so i got the white livery which is a PNG then i added a layer and then i painted but i couldn't find the properties. So then i looked back and was wondering which livery looked better my BA or soon to be out United look at the pics. As you can see one is with the details over it and one is without details and i can't tell which would be better. But back to my old question how do i make the livery have lines and details? Or how to do it any way that works and looks good?





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