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AMD fusion desktop utility


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I have been using the AMD desktop utility http://sites.amd.com/us/game/downloads/fusion-for-desktops/Pages/overview.aspx for a few years and wondering if anyone else is using it. I do not use any of the overclocking features but do notice that when set to gaming mode I do gain 4 to 5 FPS . Im not to sure if this will work with an Intel system but as it mainly shuts down unneeded services I dont see why not .There are other similar utilities I have tried but Fusion desktop utility seems to restart the stopped processes better . A couple of others are Game Booster by IObit http://www.iobit.com/gamebooster.html and AlacrityPC by Ken Salter http://alacritypc.kensalter.com/download.html wich was originaly FSautostart designed for use with MS Flightsimulator. Does anyone know of any others


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  • 4 weeks later...

in OTHER planes i get between 20-70 lol, according to the aircraft

And my cpu

CORE I3 Dual Core 2.4GHZ

I am still waiting for the USER MODIFICATION problem to be fixed, maybe its a video card problem


Also, a friend on facebook told me to DISABLE the 3d accelration thingy in my video card settings,, I couldnt do that because there wasnt a BUTTON or ANYTHING to DISABLE, It only showed if its enabled or disabled, I cant choose though, after some googling I found that I am not the only one facing problem with DISABLING the 3daccelration .

Edited by Ahmedakram
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One thing you might try is going to the weather settings and decrease your visibility to 20 miles or less also minimize clouds and if you have road traffic and AI aircraft enabled disable them . Although your system is above the minimum requirements it is nowhere near being optimal for Xplane 10 so you will have to sacrifice some visuals to gain performance especialy with an aircraft the CRJ .

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