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XP10.10 b2 Issues

Kyle Sanders

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I understand that you are working on these issues and are waiting for 10.10r1 to come out but i figured i would give you my SITREP so that you can get the most out of the next update.

In addition to the problems listed here: http://forums.x-pilo...-1010b1-issues/

1) I have noticed that the SPEED mode does not engage correctly for CLB or DES time. Nor will it just dial to display a desired speed. It will automatically go right back to 0.

2) The THRUST LIMITS are not calculated. They all read 0.0

3) Once I landed and held short of the next runway- i tried to throttle up a bit to continue taxi but the EGT and all gages just stayed in place it seemed. If you leave it fully advanced you will see them spool up ever so slowly. Needless to say i had to disconnect and shut down engines there on the taxiway. :)

-Note: i have not been messing with XP10 until version .10b1 came out. It has been too unstable so forgive me for the NEW XP10 ignorance.

Personal problem- Why does it look so different in XP10. I liked 9 better:

In XP V9.7 i get this dark, crisp look:


In XP V10 I get this gray generic look:


Here are my settings for 10: (if i turn HDR on then it comes back the way XP9 presents but then i get 13FPS so i cannot do that)


Thanks for your time and thoughts on the matter.

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1) I have noticed that the SPEED mode does not engage correctly for CLB or DES time. Nor will it just dial to display a desired speed. It will automatically go right back to 0.

I think this is not an X-Plane 10.10 problem, but rather you got stuck in Mach mode by accident. Just open a default plane, select the speed mode back from Mach to KIAS using the standard changeover button, and then load the CRJ and it will work again.

2) The THRUST LIMITS are not calculated. They all read 0.0

Also I think that this has nothing to do with X-Plane 10.10, rather with you missing to select a departure runway. You must have a departure airport AND a departure runway selected at that airport AND a valid temperature input at that airport to get the thrust values

3) Once I landed and held short of the next runway- i tried to throttle up a bit to continue taxi but the EGT and all gages just stayed in place it seemed. If you leave it fully advanced you will see them spool up ever so slowly. Needless to say i had to disconnect and shut down engines there on the taxiway. :)

Probably directly related to 2), since the limiter is set to 0.0 it won't allow the engines to spool up, as it tries to limit the N1 to 0.0.

In XP V10 I get this gray generic look:

I think you are referring to the reflective surface over the screens that should be just translucent with a tiny bit of reflections over a pitch dark "tube" screen which now looks gray. This is a known issue of the 10.10 version in both HDR and non-HDR mode and Ben Supnik already knows about it, so no doubt it will be fixed.


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I understand there are a few little bugs with the latest xplane 10.10b2 but will the CRJ2 still fly? I am presently using 10.05 and the CRJ2 works great. I am considering trying out the beta but don't want to if the CRJ2 will not fly.


Hey, John...yes, it will fly.

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Answers to 1 & 2- Ok thank you. I am one to say that it was most likely me.

But for answer to 3- Im not sure if this would be the reason- This has happened to me in the past and for this specific situation i did not inform you that i had went back into the pilot hand book and calculated the Thrust Limits myself by the time of reaching the runway. The T/O Thrust and Climb Thrusts. Before landing I had input the G/A thrust so it could not have been the 0.0 holding it back. Do not worry about this. I will redo a flight soon and look for more details if it happens again.

With the HDR reflective surfaces- You should know that when i turn HDR "ON" in XP10- everything looks GREAT and back the way it did in XP9. The problem with me is that i only get 13FPS with HDR on at all so this is something that i can't do lol.

I thank you for your time dedicated to this issue for me.

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I think you meant to say Philipp

With the HDR reflective surfaces- You should know that when i turn HDR "ON" in XP10- everything looks GREAT and back the way it did in XP9. The problem with me is that i only get 13FPS with HDR on at all so this is something that i can't do lol.

As has already been stated no matter what you see, it's to be properly fixed as it is on Ben Supnik's radar.

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