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No Flightpath on EFIS


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there is no flightpath shown on the EFIS. Also it is no more possible to release the parking brake. So, i don't know exactly what the reason for this is.

One thing i have to mention:I purchased the A321 from Peter Hager, and had only problems with crashes and so on. The A321 is still not working. I am in intense contact with Peter. He told me to remove ALL plugins.

So that means i moved out the Gizmo and Shrink wrap plugin. So the A321 is still not working, and after removing the Gizmo and Shrink wrap pluigin i got this problem with the CRJ.

I tried to install the CRJ new, but got the same problem.

Any solution?

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The CRJ is not going to work without Gizmo and shrink-wrap. So the issue you are seeing is what is to be expected.

I suggest the following:

Run the uninstaller of the CRJ.

Then make a copy of your whole X-Plane installation folder.

Name the copy something like "X-Plane-with-Gizmo". Run the CRJ installer and point it to the newly created "X-Plane-with-Gizmo". It will set up everything so you can fly the CRJ again with all its functions. Use this X-Plane installation for all planes that require Gizmo, like the fantastic DC-3 from Leading Edge, or any other plane you buy from X-Aviation.

Now back to the old X-Plane folder, where you removed the CRJ, and you manually removed Gizmo. That now is your place for the other planes where it says "incompatible with Gizmo", like Peter's A321, Carenado planes, etc.. Continue your struggle with the A321 there, undisturbed by Gizmo.

I agree that this is neither an ideal nor a convenient solution, but its the only thing that works as long as Ben Russel (Gizmo developer) and Alexander Babichev (SASL developer) don't sit down together by a glass of beer to agree on rules how to peacefully coexist.


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When you mentioned make a copy of the xplane installation folder - is that the entire xplane folder (including scenery)?


Yes, however, if you are running the latest version of X-Plane 10 then you can actually alias/shortcut your Custom Scenery folder to only ONE of the installs to save on space. This was something I worked with Ben Supnik to add a couple of months back at a conference in Columbia, SC.

Lastly, however, to my knowledge the Airbus from Peter does NOT utilize SASL, and as such no issues should be present even if Gizmo is installed (just as is stated here that errors still exist even with Gizmo removed).

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