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Hi guys,

i have updated my fms-data yesterday (VASFMC_NATIVE_1207.zip), but i don't get any SID/STAR for selection. I have testes serveral airports, but ever the same issue.

I have attached the gdb.txt in which show me "/home/markus/X-Plane 10/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200//plugins/CRJAvionics/navdata/LevelD_proc/LOWW.xml procedure could not be loaded." many times, but i have no idea how i can fix that.


Fedora 17 (64Bit)

X-Plane 10.05r1

Please contact me if you need further information,

thank you very much,

best regards





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yes, it seems the path is correct:

12852310 -rw-rw-r-- 1 markus markus 385794 14. Jun 12:28 /home/markus/X-Plane 10/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200/plugins/CRJAvionics/navdata/LevelD_Proc/LOWW.xml

I have tried to rename the "X-Plane 10" to "X-Plane10" to verify that the "space" is not the issue, but this doesnt help.


you are right..

Currently i have seen that the path in the gdb is:

/home/markus/X-Plane 10/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200//plugins/CRJAvionics/navdata/LevelD_proc/LOWW.xml

The Directory in the NAVIGRAPH .zip-Archive is called "LevelD_Proc"!!!

So i have renamed the Directory from LevelD_Proc to LevelD_proc an now the SID&STARS are available in the fms :)

Thank you,

best regards,



Edited by Markus
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Yes, that's a perpetual issue with navigraph, they have changed their convention on capitalization of the folder names several times already, is was LevelD_proc when we released 1.4 and now it is LevelD_Proc and I bet when I make an update to the CRJ they're gonna change it to LEVELD_PROC :D

No one else notices, because on Windows and Mac the file system is case-insensitive. And as 90% of navigraph's customers are MSFS users, no one complains.

So I'm glad you solved it.



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  • 4 months later...


I have he same problem: no SIDs no STARs avail.

I have downloaded the latest Cycle (1212) of NAVIGRAPH (

asFMC Flightmanagment/JRollon Planes - native

), and have copied all the files in the right folder.

I can see the right cycle in the STATUS-page of the FMS, but when I enter a FPL (Dep A/D and Dest A/D) and press the DEP/ARR key, these A/D appear on the right place. After selecting the Dep A/D I can choose between the RWYs (LOWW: 11, 29, 16, 34), but entering the respective page doesn't show me any SID.

Maybe this is important, but I noticed a difference to the Manual: after selecting the Dep A/D there should appear a list, saying:





(see page 72 of the Manual)

In my case there is only:





...so without "RW" at the beginning.

What's wrong?

Thank you and best regards,


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That means you've made an error installing the new data - if the cycle dates show up correctly on STATUS page, it only means the cycle_info.txt is in the right place. You probably forgot to move the LevelD_proc folder.

In case you are confused now - revert back to the original installation, take a look at the folder contents before overwriting again.

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Hello Philipp,

No I have moved the LevelD_proc folder in the (hopefully) right place, namely as a subfolder of the navdata-folder. Is this the right place?

In the Navdata folder there are 6 txt-files (Airports, ATS, cycle_info, Navaids, readme and Waypoints) and 3 subfolders (SID, STAR and the respective LevelD_proc).

Within the LevelD_proc there are several xml-files for the airports and also the one for LOWW.

So everything looks quite good, but is not :-(

Best regards,


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Folder structure looks okay from here.

Try deleting the cache (delete the four files inside cache/ directory besides navdata/)

1212 works fine for me. There is no "RW" in front of the runways (that was back in the old days when we used a different format): post-3056-0-55863600-1353257463_thumb.pn


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