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wms2pol: Creating photographic sceneries from WMS servers


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I'm working on an application, wms2pol, which generates photographic sceneries from WMS servers (like Terraserver). The advantage against G. Earth is there are a lot of WMS servers over internet, most of them with free data and there are with ultrahigh resolution (10 cm/pixel).

The application generates sceneries based in Drapped Polygons (mesh independent); because this, are useful for XP9 and XP10 but only for med-small areas (if you use it to generate a big 1x1 degree cell, XP will run out of memory... maybe until XP 64 bits). Example: ground textures of an airport.

If you want to try beta version or see images or more information (in spanish), visit: http://www.x-plane.es/modules/smf/index.php?topic=6926.0

Ah, application is made in Python (open source and multi-plataform)

An example:

GCXO airport with 12,5 cm/pixel textures (zoom 20) from a local WMS server:


GCXO airport with 100 cm/pixel textures (zoom 17) from a national WMS server:


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