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First photos of the Mallorca conference


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Over at Aerosoft, the first photos of the conference have surfaced: http://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/topic/53412-x-plane-10-conference/page__pid__364211#entry364211

Note that Ben is really not drinking beer, but a kind of fig vodka popular in Germany, where the ritual is to put the cap of the bottle on your nose before drinking, so this the yellow spot ...



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Did I read somewhere that someone took some video of the conference. Any idea if that will be uploaded somewhere?

The guys of McPhat (upcoming ATR-72) recorded the Friday and Saturday sessions. Unfortunately not the Sunday "grilling Austin" session. The video will be published through Aerosoft.


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  • 5 weeks later...

I received the latest batch of photos from Marcel Felde, developer of the Aerosoft Katana 4X and Dornier Do-27, and the man with the longest lens I've ever seen, he owns more cameras than I took pictures...

Approaching LEPM airport, seeing the island in the morning sun


Chatting with the captain after landing, trying to get some paperwork.


View from a hotel room


Getting an overview of the island


Help me! I'm an X-Plane developer and I'm stuck posing for a stupid photo !!!1!


No one is going to work here until we had our coffee and snacks!


How did I get here and who are you guys? And why do I have German words on my forehead?


Austin flying AeroflyFS on my notebook


A small sample of the desserts offered after dinner. If my girlfriend knew how much I ate there...


Marcel and Javier looking skeptical watching videos of Austin's latest experiments in melting incredibly expensive PT-6 engines even faster... Or launching rockets... Anyway, something dangerous for sure!


Edited by philipp
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Day2: Javier and me showing the Aerosoft guys how to make planes


... and then you bake it together. Like this! See?


I hope they remember all we said


All of us eagerly awaiting the big collection of Spanish Tapas for lunch


Ben Supnik explaining somehting (can't remember)


Javier probably encouraging someone to taste some strange-looking fish


The Aerosoft choir with its conductor Winfried Diekmann, assembling for the rehearsal of Mahler's..., no wait, I think he just tells us to stand together for the photograph




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Javier and Ben enjoying the afternoon sun


Me showing Austin and Ben how to parse terminal procedures. Javier knows that my quickly assembled program will crash any second, hence the disgruntled look on his face...


Okay, this is my breakfast. But where is yours??


Hmm, this sounds like a stupid idea to me


... and then I'm going to crash the ATI GPUs like THAT!


Aerosoft guys in 16°C "warm" water


Serious business at the poolside


Time to leave, unfortunately. Austin and me discussing the texturing of Mallorca airport. Or somehting else. Don't remember.


Back home, arriving EDDF on the newly built runway 25R, which is in operation since just a few months


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INCREDIBLE PHOTOS!! how did you get inside the cockpit of the Airbus?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I tried LOOOOOTS OF TIMES.. even making the A320.. they didn't let me make photos of the Galley!!! hahahahaha

Thanks for sharing!!

by the way.. you have to return to Mallorca one day and go farther than we were. I would recomend you go to the mountains on the north and find "impossible roads". The place we where is not representative at all of what is Mallorca. Also would recomend you a island near Ibiza called Formentera. A place to not be found when you don't want be found appart of the noise of Ibiza.

Edited by Japo32
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