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Drop Tanks...


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I'm not 100% sure where to post this on this forum, but here goes, if it is in the wrong place, or there is a more appropriate location, please feel free to move it...

In X-Plane the drop tanks that can be placed on an aircraft model have a few simple settings, such as the size, etc, and they "work" to a degree.

In X-Plane 9.70 these drop tanks, can be placed on an aircraft, and then the aircraft will only burn fuel from these tanks. In my experience, the tanks are pretty much a joke, as they never seem to run out of fuel.

To me it seems like they are a stop gap solution, and there is a need to change the way that the sim deals with these external fuel tanks.

I would love it if the sim would actually allow you to fill the tanks like any other fuel tank, which is currently only possible on one aircraft that I know of (Classic Jet Sims CF-104, and it is plugin driven). Also, it would be great if these tanks, not only could be filled to a variable capacity, up to a set maximum capacity, but also be selected variably, unlike the current setup, where they are the default feed tank until they are dropped from the aircraft.

I would like to know if anything has changed in version 10 as to the way that external tanks have been modelled?

Secondly, would anyone actually agree that having a default and easily modifiable method of adding and using external fuel tanks would be a good idea?

In the end, I know that if Austin decided to change anything with regards to drop tanks it would probably only be updated in Version 10.XX, so version 9 will probably be left out of any changes.

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Haha, drop tanks, sure...

All in all external fuel tanks, or drop tanks, are an integral part of the sim, especially when it comes to fighter aircraft, both modern and historical. It would be nice if there was a simple way to model them realistically without having to resort to plugin hackery...

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